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Reasonable human beings would establish if both of my fursonas exist in the same continuity and if they know each other by just saying it. I on the other hand am a masochist and drew a full illustration to accomplish the same. #furry #furryart #toon #goose #dog
This is still a very good thing to do. Particularly important in, I'm guessing, the next 72 hours.
If you're a member of a political party (i.e. a registered voter), and you want to communicate something important to your party's leadership, reaching out to any federal electeds who are also members of your party (congress, senate) or any statewide official (governor) is a way to communicate
All the people in the replies who had that happening agreeing rip ...I had my wisdom teeth out with just novicane that wore off midway and yes I would rather be sent back to that than live in this reality despite the fact that overlapped w/high school hell and puberty w/untreated endometriosis
living in this country is like being awake on the table
The funny thing about the "why are you posting art THERE" is the "better" the site the less notes i get lmao. Here's the current ranking for my last few pictures Reddit Twitter Tumblr Here Yes, by a LARGE MARGIN the winner is reddit for fanart when you don't have a base ime lmao
A comic about disability and drugs in America for #disabilitypridemonth
I have kept thinking about this horrible design choice and what it means for the rest of the car and because it is one continuous piece of glass until the end that either the space under this has to be empty or it needs to flip open parallel to the windshield to access under it???
No I mean BEHIND it not the screen, like I don't think it probably registers if you haven't experienced throwing yourself over the dash of a car to attempt to clean the windshield, you might not notice what a bad design choice it is but it's one of my least favorite ones on the bug
Me: I will not engage in the labels discourse i don't want to know that everyone is awful and callouts Me, scrolling down comments in that last rt: goddamn it I have to be the PSA guy this time huh Anyway uh, 90% sure that is the 'eevee' famous for the take of 'you can't gaslight mentally ill ppl'
Well this is grim
I actually really hate this framing. Like the article itself does clarify eventually, but I have seen so many people take this phenomenon as autistic people being naturally resistant to brainwashing and the problem is social norms being stupid, but it's just a side effect of being UNABLE to conform.
β€œAutistic people are not being brainwashed. The rest of society is. We just happen to be resistant to the social conditioning that teaches everyone else how essential the gender binary supposedly is.” By Jorie McKibbin. www.lgbtqnation.com/2024/06/auti...
Autistic people aren't being fooled into being nonbinary. We see past the binary that fools you. - LGBTQ Nationwww.lgbtqnation.com We examine social norms that others accept without question, so we're more likely to reject the idea that everyone has to be a man or a woman.
I went to pride in Salem MA and one of the Brands with a booth was no joke, a tattoo removal service, and given the theme of the town being witches, I suspect this was legitimately a big factor in why lmao
Confirms what I heard last weekend from a tattooist who gets significant income from covering up millennials’ Harry Potter designs
If you're going to call a Senator who is not your Senator, call the Senate Majority Leader's office. Schumer's phone number is (202) 224-6542
Another thing you can do is call Dick Durbin's office and demand he stand up for democracy and haul Alito and Thomas before the Senate Judiciary Committee. And publicly demand their resignations. If you can't literally impeach them, AT LEAST use the bully pulpit. 202-224-2152.
A friend shared this with me, so now I'm sharing with you: This is a fork of Blender that has an overhaul of the interface that adds colored icons, verbose tooltips, and more industry-standard behavior across the board. www.bforartists.de Check out this before and after of the modifiers menu:
This is a great idea but I'm also kinda terrified about how this will play out wrt "uh do you know you are following a Bad Person" discourse. I hope people can be more chill about this than the bad person lists hahaha....
Today, we’re releasing starter packs β€” personalized invites that allow you to bring friends directly into your slice of Bluesky! πŸš€ Update to version 1.87 of the app or refresh desktop to create a starter pack. (It may take a moment for version 1.87 to appear in the iOS App/Google Play stores.)
I wonder if it was the fault of the car or driver that I spent the entire almost mile distance between my exit and the previous one with my directional on trying to speed up/slow down to change lanes while they refused to get out of my blind spot. That shit should get your licensed pulled.
Not gonna lie, this is the chaos I wish to see in the world.
incredible idea: redirecting ai scraping bots to a 10gb file used for speed tests melkat.blog/p/unsafe-pri...
melkat.blog - Unsafe Pricing at Any Scalemelkat.blog I'm exiting the
AI* cleaning tool for when you spill the food on the bed at 2AM :') *animal intelligence
You know I have been on this site for months now and honestly not terribly active, partly because idk how to social media anymore. Replies have generally been more pleasant here, but even though I follow a bunch of disconnected people with their own circles who are enjoying here... can't relate rip
Back in 2021, I started wondering why the Northeastern US has so many window air conditioning units, and so few homes with central AC - which sent me down an interesting data-crunching and map-making path. The regional differences remain pretty stunning.
Why the Northeast Sucks at Air Conditioning (And Other Cool Facts)faineg.substack.com Using data to explain why some parts of the US are less cool than others.
Immunocompromised self-certify self/attest Covid vaccination guidance from CDC www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/....
i’ve been poking around on the cdc website looking for a page to show a skeptical pharmacist β€” β€œself-certify” isn’t getting me what i need, is there some other keyword i should look for?
COVID-19 Vaccinationwww.cdc.gov COVID-19 vaccines protect against COVID-19. Get safety info and more.
one person can do something wrong and the response to that can also be wrong in a different way. that’s actually very common, i fear
"This person is Bad, so this person must be Good" is child thinking. You need to get more comfortable with the idea that sometimes there is no Good Guy. Sometimes it's just shitbags all the way down.
Do they make a linux that is just OSX 10.6.8 but up to date or something. Windows 7 forever would be ok too but idk if you could linux that
I can’t emphasize this enough to folks, if your area has traditionally not required AC and you hear about one of these systems coming your way, please plan ahead. It’s scary. If you can’t afford AC please reach out to friends/fam ahead of time and make plans to stay safe.
If you don't have air conditioning, go out and get a little window unit today and install it if you can. Or order one on Amazon. Make yourself one room where you and your pets can get respite.
been seeing similar stories today. in case you didn't know, if you cancel your adobe cc subscription earlier than your renewal date, they notoriously charge you even more money than what you already gave them (instead of refunding the difference). so maybe cancel today while they're not charging?
Adobe must know how badly they screwed up with this TOS situation, because I just canceled my CC subscription, and they didn't charge me any cancellation fee at all. Bullying works! πŸ˜™
I understand the bumper stickers are funny but imo that is dwarfed by the fact they have a NEON CHECK ENGINE LIGHT IN THEIR REAR WINDOW??? like holy shit that's hilarious.
this is such a vibe
Hosting a pride event? You don't need to rent/buy a HEPA air filter for indoor air quality Commercially available HEPA filters are noisy (loud fans when moving a meaningful amount of air) & expensive to rent (on the order of hundreds of $ per day + delivery & pickup) These MERV13 air filters, otoh
Does anyone else feel like it's kinda weird that weed is the only real medicine that gets "edibles" that taste good? Like idk I feel like this should expand past childrens vitamins and weed to make lots of meds more pleasent and possibly easier to digest??
ℍ𝔼𝕐! β„π”Όπ”Έπ”»π•Š π•Œβ„™ 𝔸𝔻𝕆𝔹𝔼 π•Œπ•Šπ”Όβ„π•Š! ℂ𝔸ℕℂ𝔼𝕃 𝔽𝕆ℝ 𝔽ℝ𝔼𝔼! Alt text for a link to the article, in case it goes away... ui.dev/rwd/articles...