The New #2

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The New #2


Nerdy dilettante; fond of games, cats, and enthusiasts, in no particular order.

Scadian, neo-hellenist, leftist.

Nonexistent accounts whose posts are merely the product of my troubled mind DNI.
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
In yet another wildly dangerous nonsensical ruling, the SCOTUS has ruled that it is perfectly constitutional to pass laws making it illegal for people to just exist...
This just in- SCOTUS has ruled that actions taken during riots don't count as obstruction of governmental proceedings.
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
Just so disgusted by the (all but 2) Republicans and 62 Democrats (see below) who voted to ban US officials from acknowledging the death toll in Gaza.
Remember back when the stranded spaceship would have been the main item in the news?
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
They asked a small select number of customers to take a survey about a new charge
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
We live in a police state and the sooner more people recognize it, the sooner we can overthrow it
Holy fucking shit
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
A Texas woman has been charged with attempted capital murder after trying to drown a 3-year-old Palestinian-American child at an apartment pool complex, after making racist and Islamophobic statements to the child's mother, who was wearing a hijab and modest swimwear.
A woman is accused of attempting to drown a 3-year-old child in possible hate crime incident | A woman in Texas has been charged with attempted capital murder and injury to a child after trying to drown a 3-year-old child at an apartment complex pool and making racial statements, according to p...
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
Not All Cops Are Bastards Just This One Specifically
Giving a cop the mugshot treatment because he arrested a rich person who was guilty and acting like that’s totally normal should be a moment that open’s people’s eyes to the jig.
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
This was one of the favorite tactics of southern segregationists governments. It’s why freedom riders buses were bombed and so many organizers were disappeared and murdered. It’s ‘good’ (effective) if the state’s goal is to let civilians do the dirty work of eliminating dissident
there are a lot of ways for the state to suppress dissident speech. one particularly bad one is by having armed agents of the state stand by and do nothing while partisan-aligned thugs or paramilitary groups beat you because of your speech, and then have the DA decline to prosecute the assaulters.
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
Profiting from the labor of immigrants while vilifying them for political gain is particularly craven. But that’s standard operating procedure for the GOP these days. 👇🏽
Earlier this week, a judge temporarily halted Iowa’s TX-style immigration law. Even though they’d never admit it, the GOP lawmakers who passed this law to boost their anti-immig cred must be secretly relieved. They know immigrant workers help keep Iowa running.
Judge Temporarily Halts Iowa’s Texas-Style Immigration Law - America's A recently signed Iowa law endangering long-settled immigrants and U.S. citizens of color alike has been halted for now. This week, a federal judge temporarily paused the state’s anti-immigrant SF 234...
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
It is both a call to the bodhisattva and a DDOS attack
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
man in my lifetime HIV has gone from a death sentence to a disease that could be eradicated biology kicks ass
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
Ever have one of those days when you've got a bit of free time, but you can't decide what you want to do? Try Operation Brownie Pockets, the game designed to to solve "I dunno, what do YOU wanna do?" (free to print-n-play; available for purchase) #OBP
A NEW WAY TO Operation Brownie Pockets is a roleplaying game, but it’s not like other games you may have seen or played. It's a Massively Multiplayer Meatspace Role-Playing Game—this means your inventory contains ...
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
Idk how the Dems expect people to react to their suing to keep the green party off of ballots, but I know that if I were going to vote green and Dems took the option away from me, I would be too insulted to vote Dem even if they would otherwise be my second choice. The left is not the enemy, libs.
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
there are frequent reminders that palestinian lives just don’t count in the west, but an operation that killed 200+ to save 4 hostages being celebrated like it’s a success is a visceral one
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
me: well, at least I can get some rest my small cat, looking at my larger cat: now I shall stage a great war
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
My sister illustrated her cat’s adventures with an IKEA bag earlier today
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
Can you imagine being Chinese or Pakistani and seeing these images? "Damn, our best people joined them." this is the USA's SUPERPOWER!
Imagine learning about how America kicks all sorts of ass because our diversity is our strength then being like "but that's bad"
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
"The strong do as they will, and the weak suffer as they must" are words neither Hitler, Mussolini nor Tojo would have found objectionable. This is the political company Israel's leaders are keeping these days.
Israel is more or less using the Athenian position from the Melian dialogue, which undercuts every last word they've ever said about the Holocaust.
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
Reposted byAvatar The New #2
We're so close to the start of our first Cartoon Camp of the summer: join us for one or more week-long session in June, July, and August. Loads of creative fun for ages 10 to 15; full and half-day options. For dates and details, visit