
An aspiring dictator & convicted felon w history of treason may win the presidency. Profoundly corrupt SCOTUS justices undermined the constitution and gave him immunity from prosecution for past & future crimes. This is all political journalists should be writing about 24/7. We’re at the precipice.
I’ve been assured by Ross Douthat and Richard Dreyfus’s kid that this is no big deal and everything’s cool.
Yes, but Joe Biden is old...
Yea that's the real complaint about Joe Biden that exists.
And you left out that they just uncovered more concrete ties between the felon and Jeffery Epstein, and the felon was credibly accused of raping a child. Again. Here's why that's bad news for Joe Biden.
The world is terrified of the USAs possible slip into Fascism, the people of the USA have a massive responsibility to secure their democracy
the USA's slip into fascism? That's been a thing since the 80s but it has been everywhere else too, I got concerns at an international scale tbh
The world is terrified of a European possible slip into Fascism, the people of Europe have a massive responsibility to secure their democracy
But, but, look at how many people will read our websites about tRump rather than about an unexciting old man who is a competent president. I hope they are the first to be shipped off to internment camps run by Stephen Miller in Dakotas
They will be. The only slightly funny thing about all this shit is they think they’ll be fine. And their papers will be fine. Gimme a break - you motherfuckers are gonna get fucked as hard as the rest of us, if not harder because you’ve maybe got “name recognition”.
One would think political journalists would be fired up to cover a truly pivotal moment in American history but it’s just not sexy enough to get clicks 😕
The press has suddenly put aside its 24/7 horserace prediction coverage to ask ‘What kind of person is Biden and is he dependable for emergencies & day-to-day issues, and mightn’t poor competence cause a crisis?’ which is an excellent question that isn’t even being slightly asked regarding Trump.
1 old man that forgets he can push the button Or 1 old man that if he gets his feelings hurt will remember he can push the button, or assassinate you, change laws so you have no rights ... etc etc. 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️
you really are pro-genocide huh?
In France, political parties are coalescing to form a united front against the threat of fascism—which is the correct move. Here, the media’s jangling keys above a distractible audience to further fracture what little solidarity we have against what is clearly an imminent threat.
Meanwhile, you totally ignore that gigantic white elephant in the room called Biden.
But Biden is old. How did we not know this going in?
They’re doing the exact opposite because fascism gets more clicks than a stable democracy.
All they are doing is shittalking Biden. So obvious it does not need to be stated, I just need to vent.
They WANT us to go over. They don’t care about consequences.
But class solidarity, Bart. Trump is one of them. RFK is one of them.
Don’t be ridiculous. You’re falling, but you haven’t hit the ground yet.
It's not an accident that they're not. All this focus on Biden is purposely drawing attention away from the real news. Which is as you say, the rapist, traitor, felon, set on ending America is the front runner. Supported by half the elected government. It's insane that the press isn't focused on it.
“For Wales? Why Richard, it profit a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world. . . but for Wales!” "Nort for Wales. That would be dumb. It's for my brand."
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Ahh, but then too--IMO above all- we're dealing with climate change, and changing political orders around the globe.
"dealing with" in halfway effectual means that corporate oligarchies are buying their ways around anyway with the race to AI, get real
The precipice was the CIA assassination of Colosio in 1994. This is the freefall. I've been a political journalist since then.
Buh buh buh but… Joe Biden is so OLD! 🤦🏼‍♂️
Agreed. I do think it would be best for Biden to step aside so that Harris can run the vigorous campaign that the moment demands while Biden focuses on the presidency. BUT, I fully agree that most of the media are missing the real story: the would-be dictator and his many powerful enablers.
I don't know whether they're missing the story or they understand what the story is and don't want to cover it.