Astro Mammal from Planet Z

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Astro Mammal from Planet Z

Space whale, big engines, friendly. Touring the galaxy. Building an exoplanet simulator in my spare time.
Yes. My electric hot water heater crapped out a few years ago, had someone come to repair it, turns out it was just a thermostat sensor. Now I just buy new ones online and have a spare on hand, swap it out myself. $40 part saves over a $200+ service call.
I don't really have a big point here. If you own your appliances read the maintenance instructions and learn how to do simple fixes. It's mostly looking up part numbers and doing part swaps. If you can build Legos, you can fix most cheap appliances. You can fix a lot more than you think.
Very strange being on vacation and needing the least sleep of anyone. Kids are still young enough to need 9 - 10 hrs, especially after an active day. My wife needs 8 - 10 after an active day. I get 7 and feel fine. So I get up, eat, and come up w/ ideas for today while they sleep.
We report: since the sun has already vanished from the sky, the remnants of colour there are quickly fading. The daylight is diluting into grey fog, drops in an ocean. Our thoughts etiolate just as much, turning into an ellipsis, so we open a parenthesis. A moon follows the sun.
"Get a load of this guy," I say, then pull the huge lever. Machinery whirrs and thumps, sparks explode from coils, and the portal opens. A nude man crashes to the ground and begins screaming and praying in Ancient Greek as he sees us researchers, bulbous and alien in our PPE.
The best indicator on this, imho, is the non-US ppl I follow on there, some political some not, started interacting with and retweeting US right wingers and associated accounts. That didn't happen before Musk, but it gradually picked up steam and became routine about a year ago.
Frankly I think the fact that our journalists and politicians still uncritically marinate in Twitter all day is having a meaningful impact on the trajectory of US politics. It’s really bad beyond belief. I keep waiting for people to wake up and notice but they’re just totally boiled frogs now
[wheat haters club] PERSON ABOUT TO INVENT FLOUR: i'm gonna grind it to dust PERSON ABOUT TO INVENT BREAD: then i'm gonna throw it in an oven PERSON ABOUT TO INVENT SLICED BREAD: then i'm gonna cut it into little pieces PERSON ABOUT TO INVENT TOAST: then i'm gonna burn it again
Amazed that every meal we've had in VT has been good. Just got some deli subs from a guy at a table in the back of a run-down little grocer and they are divine. How? HOW?!
This is going to be a more and more common experience going forward.
Intuitively, (but maybe not realistically?) many jobs would be easier to fill under a reduced workweek plus UBI scheme. The range of jobs I'd consider doing expands greatly if I only have to do them a few hours/day, or maybe 2 days/week. I'd collect trash 2 days/week. Or 5 days, 3 hrs/day.
Made salted dark chocolate brownies during the thunderstorms this evening and I think I'll make these again. The recipe called for bourbon and espresso, of which I had neither, so those will have to go in next time too.
Last night I had a dream that a bunch of people were outside w/ guns, wanting revenge for all their loved ones I killed in The Hunt. Then I woke up and realized there was no one outside, and The Hunt was still a secret and I was still the best. Phew! Then I actually woke up.
Up in VT for the rest of July. Slept with all the windows open last night and it was amazing. Haven't felt cool air since... mid-May? Forgot what it's like for the outdoors to be pleasant in summer.
Nightmare fuel thread. In 1982-4, cobalt 60 got scrapped into rebar used in a bunch of Taiwanese buildings. A nuclear plant worker, a decade later, bought a geiger counter home to learn how to use it, and found out his apartment was radioactive.
List of civilian radiation accidents -
To settle my brain I've been writing little easy-to-memorize iambic trimeter ABAB poems that contain essential lore, to print in case the Internet goes out. If I get enough of them I'll share them! Write one, it'll make you feel better.
Haven't ridden a bike since I was a teenager, just got one to ride w/ my kids, and wow is this fun. As a full grown (in ok condition) man I can put it in the highest gear and just fly on level roads. But hills, oh moving 270 lbs up hills is terrible. Whoa is me, on hills.
Back on my bullshit (making chocolate chip cookies)
Date geologist Some of the friendliest down to earth folks I know. While they might dig up some odd topics, they keep finding faults in the earth instead of you knowing how much of a gem you are. Everyone one I have known are very good sedimental people with great mantle health
*dragging another skeleton into the closet* this is so smart, no one ever thinks to check in here
pigeons gather in scores
The 2005 hurricane season comparison is not a welcome one.
(Upon further reflection, yes, the court will allow itself to be destroyed. The conservative ideologues are pushing a movement and care little for their institution. They think Trump is the kwisatz haderach.)
If they're really playing for it all, then they can't allow a scenario where they grant Trump immunity and he gets elected, bc then Trump could destroy them. They'll either need a constraint on him (but what?) or a guarantee that he's not elected. Will the court gain enormous power only to seppuku?
The NYT dialect map is going around again, and there's one question on it that always nails me down to one of two locations in the country. It's called a bubbler. Tbf, I call them water fountains now, but was raised with "bubbler."
If they're really playing for it all, then they can't allow a scenario where they grant Trump immunity and he gets elected, bc then Trump could destroy them. They'll either need a constraint on him (but what?) or a guarantee that he's not elected. Will the court gain enormous power only to seppuku?
It's such a wild coincidence that the court legalized bribing public officials a few days ago and today says that every activity the US government regulates now goes through them
🎶 Elvis and I fry up Demerol tablets in bacon grease 🎶