Fretful P

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Fretful P

Contrarian Librarian
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TIL that India has the only accurate culture conception of an Owl, an animal with problem solving skills ranked somewhere between those of a carrot and a potato.
this is now the 2nd book in not that long I've read that's set in India where they have an Indian character call another character wise as an owl and I am begging you to talk to ppl from subcontinent THE OWL IS CONSIDERED A FOOLISH BIRD IN INDIA IT IS NEVER USED AS PRAISE
THE BAD NEWS: this poor little pipkin was hit by a car on Wednesday evening. THE GOOD NEWS: She had surgery on Thursday and is on course for a full recovery. Also, I bought these steps to help her get onto the bed and the list of pets they are suitable for includes PIGGY.
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Well, this is rather nice PCO news 🐧
Had a Teams meeting today and l looked GREAT throughout. Absolutely astonishing. No idea what caused it. Will probably never happen again. Please congratulate me.
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there is an email list you will never be removed from, by the smiths
Yes! My new nightshirt has arrived.
Like ink in a glass of water.
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I would prefer not to
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For various reasons I've been reading about the band Extreme, and am delighted to discover that they all have 90s heartthrob names – Gary Cherone, Nuno Bettencourt, Kevin Figueiredo – except for the bassist, who's called Pat Badger.
1. The teetotalism movement was first started in Preston in the early 19th century. 2. The word ‘teetotal’ is the result of a stutter. In 1833, Richard Turner, a member of the society Preston Temperance Society, gave a speech saying: “I'll be reet down out-and-out t-t-total for ever and ever.”
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Verner Panton’s 1969 canteen design for the Spiegel publishing house, now reinstalled at Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg #WeekCforCircles #AlphabetChallenge 📷
Been to bloody Otley, haven’t I, to see a tiny doll-sized bairn.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner for the Fretful 50th birthday destination.
Reposted byAvatar Fretful P
Remains one of my favourite bits from the Guardian style guide: Goths (uc) Germanic tribe that invaded the Roman empire goths (lc) Sisters of Mercy fans who invaded the Shepherd’s Bush Empire
Ooooh, a beautiful vintage pottery jug/lamp/vase. Or an emotionally unavailable man who can turn a phrase.
If someone was baiting a trap to specifically catch you, what bait would they use? Mine would be a big lump of hash (can't get it round here, miss it a lot) or a '59 Fender Bassman amp
Happy birthday to Neil Tennant, 70 years old today (which seems impossible), and still top of my list of dream dinner party guests.
Doomy and gloomy. My sister sends me a text quoting Julian of Norwich: “all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well”
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I’m not saying it’s rained a lot but I just found a note in a bottle and it said ‘HELP! PIGLET (ME)’
What a pretty girl. Who just took a chunk out of my boob (not pictured).
Reposted byAvatar Fretful P
It is not that anyone here would be interested at all, he lied, but the #CocteauTwins have just hours ago revamped and updated their YouTube page to finally include all their official videos over the years, in hi-def at that. So. You know. Not that anyone here would be interested as I said.
This book does NOT match my bedding 😮 But it does look like it would match a Cocteau Twins album, so we will allow it.
I only read books that match my bedding now.
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William Bell Scott, Rossetti’s Wombat Seated in his Master’s Lap, 1871
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Beauvais cathedral is very beautiful.
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these guys are so vibrant and pleasing and also have the power to instantly rip your skin into twirling ribbons 🌱
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Ooooh! James Timpson appointed Minister for Prisons, Parole and Probation. That’s very interesting.