Bill Higgins-- Retired Beam Jockey

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Bill Higgins-- Retired Beam Jockey

Physicist. Speaker. Writer. Mono-instrumentalist.

My posts are my opinions, and I do not speak for anybody else.

Avatar: Bill Heterodyne, smiling & tipping his boater, by Phil Foglio.
Banner: Me, infinitely reflected in mirrors.
So Trinity exploded, Apollo 11 launched, and the first Shoemaker-Levy 9 fragment hit, all on the same date of the calendar. Happy 16 July, everyone, and may you enjoy many more.
As you wrote, "Like, it's the job. When you agree to walk up there, it's the job."
The Huygens probe had parachuted to the surface of Titan, Saturn's largest moon. Its cameras had revealed, at last, the landscape beneath its clouded atmosphere. I was to give a talk. The projector had failed, without hope of replacement. I described the landscape of Titan orally. For 59 minutes.
Naive question: If Judge Cannon's dismissal holds up, will everyone who's ever been on the wrong end of a Special Prosecutor flock to the courts to get their convictions canceled?
There is a sturdy I-beam running across the basement, suitable for cowering beneath; a flashlight; and a very large supply of books. I'll be okay. (Is the Oxford Semicolon a thing?)
Judge Cannon dismissed the case. Does that mean the Feds have to return the boxes of classified documents to Trump's Mar-A-Lago bathroom?
Reports now that a tornado is going to da Loop.
There appear to be more tornados on the ground in the Chicago area, in this one storm, than we get most years.
TV: "Tornado warnings in Chicago have been allowed to expire." Up next: Indiana. Though a lot of the circulation has moved over Lake Michigan.
Joliet. Two near Sugar Grove. Be careful. Seems to have passed the Nuclear Arms Hotel here in Aurora by now.
Another night in Illinois, another tornado warning, another trip to the basement. Aurora seems to have been spared, but tornadoes confirmed in some nearby towns. Wishing safety to the people east of here, now under warnings.
I guess, despite the beverage's best efforts, Schlitz did not make Milwaukee famous *enough*.
Also geographically germane, in this instance: Sheet music for this 1903 song--a song of which I have not previously heard--informs us that "The beer that made Milwaukee famous Made all New York drunk."
098.022 - The Beer that made Milwaukee Famous. | Levy Music
Reminds me to mention to, one of those who seek beauty in the world, that and her husband have purchased a carousel. They are remaking it, painting & decorating each animal with its own astronomical theme. Follow her to see progress. #SkyhorseCarousel
Making progress. The tornado warning did not help, but I brought the laptop down to the basement with me...
"Page not found! If you were expecting to see a crossword here, perhaps the puzzle is marked as private inside your account? (You should switch it to Public)."
You must have climbed quite a tree to get this photo.
NO. I somehow WILL get this health insurance stuff done.
The truly well-equipped kitchen also has a rice potatoer.
Yes, I was. For a while. I'm retaining the option of an afternoon nap later. Upon arising, there are a few more facts in the Big Story, and some more video clips and photos, but nothing much has changed the picture.
I stayed up, doomscrolling and playing cable news channels. You made a sound decision.
A pal recently purchased part of a former USAF radar station from the SAGE era. Now he owns a sturdy building and an orchard of tall radio masts. I'm somewhat curious about what gear was installed in that building...
If you haven't been following Brother Bob's model project, I hope this tweet gives just enough context to understand the photo. #PlasticJesuit
I've painted all the furniture in Angelo Secchi's offices in the observatory atop my HO scale model of the Church of St. Ignatius, Rome.
Such a great name. As good as "Ormer Locklear," maybe better.
Alex Wellerstein, author of RESTRICTED DATA and probably best known as the historian-hacker who created NUKEMAP, is starting a new blog. He always writes interestingly, so I will be following DOOMSDAY MACHINES. Consider taking a look yourself.
OK, I am officially kicking off DOOMSDAY MACHINES, my new blog dedicated to the post-apocalyptic imagination:
Welcome to DOOMSDAY Post-apocalyptic Road Trips, End of the World-building, and Interesting Times.
So Dunkin' Donuts decided to rename itself simply "Dunkin'." They've been removing the portion of their signs that spell out "DONUTS." Are these for sale cheaply? Great opportunity to get signs for another business! Such as a dry-cleaner named NOT SUD. Or facial tissue brand called DU SNOT.