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Left Below


Youtube essayist and occasional convention panelist.
That's really all it is, too. To the extent that I believe the polls they show Trump roughly at his ceiling and the question is just if the anti-Trump vote consolidates around Biden or fizzles. That's the long and short of it.
Awh hell that chode lives here? Wasn't enough that we're saddled with the Alitos?
No thing exists outside of us, even though we're capable of adapting to systems so strongly that we lose sight of what is obvious, we built all of those systems to match a need at some point.
The one where the spiritualist lady is standing across the street from the schoolyard and just yelling "I cast you out!" at this seemingly random kid is also amusing.
Turns out the Trump rally attendee who died was kind of garbo and specifically quite cavalier about people in other countries getting killed en masse. Quelle surprise. Nobody's saying he deserved to die but it's a Leopards Eating Faces situation, a la Herman Cain's 2020 demise.
So if I subscribe does it automatically block all of them? I've been unclear on some of the new features and this seems like a great time-saver for dealing with the same people that ran off Resetera's PoliEra community (twice!) under the guise of doing activism.
It's basically what's killed Resetera (a site that no longer has an OT to discuss US Politics in a friggin' election year because weirdos cooked up a cockamamie accusation of doxxing and site leadership just purged thread regulars and closed the thread).
Shades of Gemini Home Entertainment
It's a black box election. Inputs go in, outputs come out, the process is ???
One of those cases where if you owe the bank $100,000 it's your problem but if you owe the bank $10 million it's the bank's problem. They would be completely fucked in a foreclosure.
Marx was smack-talking commodity fetishism and it's like, don't kinkshame man.
"You're U and I'm Me" "I'm me?" "Don't jerk me around, fella"
This is more or less Late Wittgenstein's entire thing.
10,000 people scrolled past it though!
I've generally been against the DO SOMETHING crowd with regard to Biden's record but the fact that we didn't go ham against all of the legislators who participated in J6 will haunt us.
I was out around the White House and things are still fairly accessible except that the last block of 16th Street (the Black Lives Matter street) is completely closed to pedestrians.
This whole season has been great for gutting these weirdos who think Bernie Sanders is a centrist.
We have the coalition negotiations but have them within the party primaries which are much, much more open than they were 50+ years ago but still make such negotiations opaque and more susceptible to cults of personality (see Trump becoming the sun at the center of conservatism)
and one of the friends is most famous for his role in "We're the Millers" as the dopey fake-son.
A third when that man goes on to play a character with an eagle for a best friend on HBO.
A PAC might do that but an official campaign would never touch it, porn is sadly still an easy bipartisan target, even if one party is better than the other on the issue.
It's the same thing like Cheney in the 2000s. Losers have to live in a fact-based reality while winners make that reality.
Good news there is Harris has been kept at arm's length for most of the administration. Word is that Jill took the segregation attack during the '20 primary debates especially hard and doesn't like Harris much.
I think the discussion was had, if only perhaps within the top of Biden's campaign or family, which explains how quiet he was even to other party leaders for a week there, and now we have their answer.
Fuck yeah Richard Rorty and American Pragmatism.
Rorty summarizing the thoughts of prior American Pragmatists was one of the first post-Trump moments I felt patriotic again.
That's kind of what I think of. A black person could've been born in 1880 a few years after reconstruction ended, lived a full 75 year life, and passed away days before Brown v Board. But their life was not futile despite that.
also the interviews haven't aired yet, I think they were just recorded.
That one asshat said something like "America as a Propositional Nation" so it all goes back to Jeffersonian v Jacksonian. They want a blood and soil America as defined before the 1965 immigration law changes.
If Trump wins it proves all you need is social media rizz and all the rest is meaningless pomp and circumstance.