Beth Wilensky

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Beth Wilensky

#LegalWriting Professor at University of Michigan Law School. #WilenskyOnStyle. Cardinals and cooking and kids oh my.
You have a limit on how many holds you can check out? I'm not sure if there's a limit here - or at least if there is, I haven't hit it and I've had as many as 8 books out at a time. (Or - wait - I only check out in hard copy. Maybe that's the difference?)
Yes! The slow reveal of their backstories is delightful and heartwarming.
I have Ghosts to be an amusing diversion. We watch the CBS version but I’ve been thinking of trying the BBC version too.
It’s fun and funny with a real heart and lots of lovely individual stories. Good if you want something light.
Is that on the way to the Icelandic Wilderness Center?
The best part of this tweet is that it starts with "no offense but . . ." I was going to take offense at this intentionally offensive statement but since it's got that disclaimer at the beginning, I guess I won't.
LOL, it's not that school in Columbus, so people would probably be more confused than mad.
Well, yes: the only flags we fly are the U.S. flag and, on football days, the Block M.
Hang on, let me ask my spouse if he's an insurrectionist first . . . . OK, he isn't, so yes, I'd be better at being a SCOTUS Justice than 2 of the current ones.
I remind myself that I feel this way about America too - a country to which I feel a lot more attached than Israel (though I share the typical liberal-Jewish attachment to Israel). America does terrible things, and it does good and important things, and I want America to do fewer terrible things.
(I'm not sure that's a satisfactory answer to empathy point you raise, but it has helped me clarify - for myself - my feelings for Israel in this moment.)
Same, same, and same. Bravo to all of you!
It's the mirror-image of the Leopards-Won't-Eat-MY-Face meme.
Also, toss them with olive oil and some salt and throw the whole tangle of them on your grill until they are slightly charred, then just eat them whole or chopped up.
Good statement from the Washtenaw County Prosecutor's Office re decisions about charging (and, in most cases, not charging) individuals who participated in the November 17th takeover/sit-in at UMich's administrative building.
I have a handwritten lists going back (literally) 2 decades and I really need to transfer it to Goodreads.
NutriBullet. Small, powerful blender; easy to clean. I make my daily breakfast smoothie*, quickly grind nuts, make salad dressings, etc. w/o getting out the big blender. * 1/4 c. unsweetened almond milk, 1 c. cold brew, 1-2 frozen chunked bananas, 1 Tbls. nut butter, 1/2 Tbls. cacao powder.
Great! (wilensky at umich dot edu)
Yeah, there's definitely some of that.
It's also usually the case that there is a 2+ year gap between their legal writing class and when they land in your law office. Sometimes those 1L lessons last or are reinforced in 2L and 3L (I teach an upper-level persuasion class), but sometimes they need a refresher.
At any rate, I do a lot of work with practicing attys - both direct coaching of junior attys and helping senior attys learn how to provide effective feedback w/in the constraints of a busy law practice. Happy to chat off-line if you want additional ideas beyond topic sentences.
It also could be where they focus their revisions in practice - bc it's the low-hanging fruit of "things I can fix." Which is something we talk about in my class (writing is revising, and revising it hard). It takes discipline to tackle structural problems first and spend the most time on them.
Not sure when/where you went to law school, but your apparent understanding of what legal writing classes teach isn’t consistent with any modern legal writing program I’m familiar with. And I’m familiar with lots of them.
Tbc, there are still some poorly-designed legal writing programs out there, but even those tend to focus on teaching how to analyze and communicate complex ideas clearly.
We are also usually the ones who are expected to teach citation, so we include basic citation practices bc they are a core part of clear legal communication. But nitpicking about BB form outside of standard cites usually isn’t.
If you are encountering junior attys who don’t know how to craft an effective topic sentence, it’s unlikely that that’s bc their legal writing prof didn’t spend enough time on it.