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local dutch woman terrifies medical staff with sick-nasty tips and tricks to become more depressed

she/her spoonless bog rat. i stream sometimes
Where did this whole “I have to do (thing) but I’m just a girl (so I can’t)” thing come from, why are the girls saying this, are we doing weaponized incompetence now or are we taking back sexism, and either way can it stop
Planning another baking stream I can’t do polls so use thy words If I start somewhere between 6-8PM CEST (figure it out) is it better to stream on Friday or Saturday (This Week)
If you ever feel like you’re being watched, just remember… You are. Don’t look outside. Don’t make eye contact with it. Don’t let it know you saw it. No matter how irresistible it is. It hungers. It hunts. Please. NEVER EVER perceive the neighbors’ cat.
There’s this misconception that Dutch people are generally too forward and rude and gaslighty, but if that’s your experience with every Dutch person then I’m sorry but the common denominator is you. :/
Reposted byAvatar Ju
Me, trying to make small talk: Made some garlic last night. It was roast coded. Totally giving savory, you know? My doctor, repeatedly injecting me with a variety of syringes: Why are you not dying?
not to alarm anyone but i'm lowkey famous
Reposted byAvatar Ju
practicing pooping with a dignified expression in case I die on the toilet
Reposted byAvatar Ju
I don't care if it isn't "politically correct", I'm going to say it: there are some jobs that women are just better at. It's a biological truth that women are better than men at perching over a house door and screaming as someone inside dies. Sorry, woke weirdos, but it's "banSHEe" for a reason.
You use two disposable cups for your coffee because it's too hot for your little fingies, I use two because I accidentally touched the second one as well and now my germs are on there and I can't leave it without feeling guilt, we are not the same
you know the cabinet is solid when they have to implement a twitter- sorry, "X" ban on day two of their first major debate
Me: I can work 12 hours a week at a job that I love! I’m happy! My nervous system: hey did you know this can hurt? *poke* I just found out this can hurt. Hey here too *poke* Me: family guy death pose or something idk
In light of disability pride month, I would like to scream now AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA This message was brought to you by the crippling guilt that comes with having invisible chronic illness.
Reposted byAvatar Ju
For Disability Pride Month, one thing I'd love abled bodied people to figure out is how to speak to someone with chronic health issues without implying that if they themselves had the disabled person's health conditions, they would end it all. I promise you life goes on- even with health issues.
If the left is woke I think the right should be sleep, so they shut the fuck up
saw seals on a boat a few days ago then i went home and wanted to violently dismantle the particles that make up my mortal coil how's your week going
I had a 1 hour and 20 minute flight, woe is me, the jetlag from the one hour time difference is really hitting. I might need to enter a deep slumber and communicate with eldritch horrors for if I don’t, my bloodline is doomed to an eternity of suffering.
I could go on a trip for just two days and still come home completely disoriented and confused about what my life was before said trip. I forgot how my own toilet works
Family vacations need to automatically come with a recovery period of twice the duration to soothe the soul. Like maternity leave but for childhood trauma
I would ride planes for fun they’re like long boring rollercoasters but with better views.
Went to the mountains, felt really good. Went back to flat earth (the Netherlands), feels bad. This is why Dutch people are insane I think.
Sometimes I act cute as a joke and then I have to remind myself that it looks very much genuine because I am a cute girl (derogatory) and not a degenerate sewer rat turned humanoid (good)
Reposted byAvatar Ju
I promise it’s happening I just passed the fuck out and now I gotta set up
Donuts. Friday. Twitch. Will not adjust to US time zones. Bright and early mother fuckers, I got places to be. (Starting 1-2pm CEST) Prepare for utter jankiness as I figure out how to stream from my kitchen because preparedness is a word unknown to me.
Supposed to be cleaning and packing? Plan baking stream instead. Supposed to be planning baking stream instead? Make little preparations and pray it’ll work Supposed to pray? Instructions unclear, house full of imps
Sanded down half my foot to get rid of callouses and accidentally opened a portal to hell on my big toe. HMU if you want to get isekaied intoe hell it’s wild in there
Donuts. Friday. Twitch. Will not adjust to US time zones. Bright and early mother fuckers, I got places to be. (Starting 1-2pm CEST) Prepare for utter jankiness as I figure out how to stream from my kitchen because preparedness is a word unknown to me.
Can’t do as little as just creating a poll on twitch without affiliate but I’ve stagnated at 48 followers due to my bad personality and huge ass
Sometimes I do wonder what it’s like to have normal energy levels… like… you go…outside? Willingly? And it doesn’t hurt every ounce of your being? You take out the trash… every time you need to? No piling up of chores??? What kind of magician shit… fucking hate wizards man