
Quick history of the British commentariat: 2005: Labour aren't perfect but we must get the Tories out 2010: Labour aren't perfect but we must get the Tories out 2015: Labour aren't perfect but we must get the Tories out 2017: ... 2019: ... 2024: Labour aren't perfect but we must get the Tories out
I was very critical of Corbyn because I think he's Very Bad At Doing Politics. But if there was ever a time to say "shut up and vote Labour", it was 2017.
It was darkly funny to see Rentoul go on about Corbyn being bad for Labour, given that he had voted for Boris Johnson for London Mayor, TWICE.
Rentoul, Baddiel, O'Brien, Fry, Osman, all voted for Johnson more than once, and these are supposedly all left wing, I am repeatedly told.
2017: They're all as bad as each other 2019: Vote Lib Dem to remain in the EU! (yes really, we really mean it, it's a great strategy which we won't immediately drop after the Tories inevitably win and push through the hardest of hard Brexits).
The People's Referendum fuckers were the absolute worst. Ideological cousins of the people who want to replace Biden with someone like Gavin Newsom.
Yep, Centrists would always prefer to lose to fascists than to the left.
(actually credit where it's due, the centre left in Spain did keep the fash out last time by going into coalition with the left)
Macron please pick up the white courtesy phone
2029 ? Vote to Keep the Tories Out or will it be Vote for Change
They might pivot to Keep Reform Out
A vast improvement over the American commentariat, which is year after year of, “the Republicans want to destroy everything you hold dear, but, I don’t know, the Democrats just aren’t exciting.”
Common thread here isn't Labour, it' the FPTP system that needs to go.
We have PR here in Ireland and it's resulted in the two main parties forming a coalition
Democrats in America have the same mantra only sub in the Republicans, who are the crazy maniacs WE have.