The Fast and The Furry Arsed

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The Fast and The Furry Arsed

Biosciences, University of São Paulo.

Scottish-Jew, two stereotypes for the price of one.

I mean it was only a few weeks ago, that Jack Black was saying some extremely dodgy shit to defend Israel.
We finished The Sopranos last week, so we're moving onto Banshee this week.
If you ever wondered who finds it attractive when men put "c++" under "languages known" in their dating profile, the answer is me. I find it attractive.
What's ironic is that the US is ranked only 96th in the world in banana production.
Didn't hear my mobile ring, and the missus just invited my sister to come and stay with us........
I just wrote to my Labour MP detailing with academic sources & personal anecdotes why the current stance on trans rights is a danger to us all. If u live in the UK, write to your MP, but also, show up to meetings & any opportunity to talk with them face to face.
One positive of Starmer being PM is we didn't have to see him with his gross nips protruding out an ugly England shirt watching that match.
The missus is so fond of Saka, that she's devastated about the result.
Stay safe 🙏🏽 Refuge National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 200 0247
There is only one thing I am sad about England losing and that's that when they do instances of domestic violence shoot through the roof. Yes you heard me, this actually happens. My hero Mona Eltahawy explains below in better manner than I ever could.
Essay: When Football Goes "If England gets beaten, so will she."
Genuine condolences to my English pals, did well getting the final, something we can only dream of. If it wasn't for your media, fans, commentators, presenters, fans, Stuart Pierce, Kier Starmer, the Royal Family, Culloden and your fans, I'd feel a lot worse for you
Harry Kane "I would trade all of my achievements in, for a win tonight" God "Sorry son, but a single Arsenal under 18's cup win, isn't enough"
Political assassination is back in fashion I see. In unrelated news the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care does not receive a personal security detail of any kind
you see your pets twitching their little limbs in their sleep and say to your partner "look, it is running through a field in its sleep", you are wrong: your pet is in a casino: throwing dice, playing slots and video poker, walking on two legs and betting large on a blackjack table
I really should have hospitalised every single person who was determined to vote Labour in Ilford North.
Off for a few days to meet the in-laws, they only speak Guarani, so this could be interesting. The landlady is coming with us for support, we didn't actually invite her, but she has virtually adopted me, so 🤷‍♀️.........
Viagra Boys — Ain't From the album 'Welfare Jazz', out January 8th on YEAR0001☮Listen to 'Ain't Nice': to Welfare Jazz:
Wes Streeting's position on puberty blockers – effectively, fuck trans kids, let them die – shows why marginalised people are disgusted by privileged folks' post-election sycophancy and self-absorption. Columns about the PM's fuckability when his govt is fucking the most vulnerable. Fucking ghouls.
There's a reason I travelled halfway across the world, to help campaign against Wesley Streeting. Our trans friends/family/siblings are not safe from this weasel faced fucker, and Labour and it's supporters as a whole.
Unexpected election celebration
I don't know, if my surname was "Harmer" I might reconsider doing the gender reveal quite like this
Never been a fan of running, I'll do it, but never enjoyed it. However running with the pup is pretty fun, she disappears and the next thing I know she crashes into me, or I get hit in the face with her tongue,
A reminder that this is what Kathleen Stock views as acceptable "collateral damage"
A man has been sentenced to prison after beating an 86-year-old woman suffering from early-onset dementia for 42 minutes in Dublin, Ireland. He thought that she was transgender and “a predatory pedophile." #transgender #trans #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA
Get to know your mutuals! Ten things I am into Pets Arsenal Daffy Duck lots of music Drumstick lollies/chews Warhammer painting/modelling Entomology & ecology Video Games Discworld Films
Get to know your mutuals! Ten things I am into: Making awful goblin music Video games Attempting to not be a shit dad Painting little space people The musical stylings of Nine Inch Nails Cryptids Writing stories EDI Horror (the genre) Horror (the general feeling of dread that permeates my being)
This really does kick arse.
NW: Ghost Dog The Way of the Samurai. Finally get to see this.
NW: Ghost Dog The Way of the Samurai. Finally get to see this.
My insisting that we need a baby goat, at the same time as the baby, has failed completely. 😢
down in the sword mines… somebody should buy this so i can finish it, get paid, not be overdrawn and maybe even eat… and the best part? you’ll have a sword! ✨