
Yeah I really wish people would stop saying either/both have dementia or Alzheimer's. They're just old
I don’t think either of them have dementia. It’s not really possible to diagnose someone on TV anyway, but my grandma has Alzheimer’s and I have spent a nonzero amount of time in memory care as a journalist. They’re just old. Both of them.
I don't know. I'm dealing with my mom, who has advanced dementia, and Trump is a lot more like she was. Maybe he just has tertiary syphilis and holes in the brain.
It's the getting something stuck your head and telling the same stories about it over and over, and not being able to shake it, that is really a marker to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Exactly. For my FIL it was WiFi. Never really understood it & couldn’t stop obsessing about it
One of my mom's early warning signs, that I can only see in hindsight, was an obsession with gas prices. It was a compulsion to notice and announce them. See also traffic.
My FIL was obsessed with his bank account & was convinced the bank was stealing from him. Visited his local branch every single day. Bless those bank clerks who were so patient with him
Paranoia is a big component. My mom covered the peep hole in her door.
My grandmother had to switch rooms in her nursing home several times because she was convinced her roommates were stealing her money that my dad gave her for the church plate.
Bf's aunt has dementia. I met her before it set in & afterwards. She decided on a story about how we first meet (that wasn't about me) and kept telling me about it. But she also didn't remember who anyone was So Trump might be on the road. There's a def difference btw his public speaking now vs '16
As we were losing my dad to alzheimers, one day he said he knew what he wanted to do, he just couldn't make the old carcass do it. I image as he lost his speech it was similar. Trump has been talking gibberish for years. Either he's an absolute idiot or his mind is failing faster.
I mean, given that this is Trump, I don't think we can ever truly rule out syphilis.
He's certainly always had primary horribleness and holes in the heart.