Blue Witch, Cassandra

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Blue Witch, Cassandra

35 / She/They / ⚧
No, I am not sick of being nice
Yes, I want to go apeshit.
We all contain contradictions.

This is my personal account.
Yeah I'm trans T rying to live my life, oh my god just leave us alone. R A N S
Hello, folks! I'm going to keep it short, because I have to go back to work. My work is a nightmare, and they're digging with my pay. I'm already crippled, and they're absolutely taking advantage. SynthPaladin on Ven, CashApp and PayPal. #TransCrowdFund #MutualAidRequest Commissions open, DM me.
Have some trans joy for the skyline. If you don't want to see nude (expressly) trans figures, please just scroll on by.
My first pass at opening pages for a comic I am currently working on. Or. Er. Well. Uploading old stuff instead of working on. Basically none of this is going into the final work, I don't think, lmao.
clipping.'s Body & Blood Zeniseila is one of my favorite OCs, a sex worker, guild leader and a serial killer. Originally a pathfinder character, I think she's not a vampire, but I don't know why she eats people. Probably just likes it, huh?
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Concept art I've been fucking around with for my comic, Infinite Growth. Body horror, cyberpunk horror, stuff like that. We're gonna see how it goes.
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A self portrait! That sucks! :D See, cause, I'm an artist, and a world builder, and a fantasy creator, and... ...I kinda hate this one, lmao.
Absoluely nothing interesting is happening outside of the frames of these images.
The Bone Vulture Queen, based off my friend Claire. I haven't spoken to her in ages, but I really miss her. We connected on tumblr, and she introduced me to a lot of cool stuff. I made these for her over a decade ago. I wanna redo the second one, but it feels wrong without her.
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Some recent experiments. Bodyhorror and sci fi stuff again! I want to refine both off these to make into, like, prints. Stickers? Something.
Hey, did you know Easter landed on Trans Day of Visibility this year? Did that inspire this piece? NOT REMOTELY.
The best version of Mehrafarina's costume, D&D ass nonsense that it is, and my favorite version of her physical design. The third one is the final map of all the scars Mehra received over the length of the campaign.
My boyfriend's OC, Gaius. He's been a repeated muse for me, and I really enjoy Gaius' design. He's also, just, the worst. The miserable evil shadow man in those two pictures is my OC, a... creature? going by Vengeance.
Wound up doing kind of a lot of art around Marina Domek from Fear & Hunger 2 : Termina, including an abandoned piece that the commissioner disappeared for I don't wanna post. Golly, the trans witch was my favorite? Whodathunk.
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Time for some horn, I guess. Doing just sort of a sketch dump of everything in my background so I can start just using my channels to post! It's... idk if it's helping, but it feels like something! Once I'm done with the sketches, I'll be linking to finished bits on Newgrounds.
Sexually Suggestive
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It's a little funny, getting a Nebula account and seeing all my like, the people I've been watching for a few years now, except that this is like, a union, and they will be paid, as opposed to like... y'know. 5m views and 45$ through adSense.
reminded of a scene from Terry Pratchett's Going Postal
A hill I will die on: all white-collar crimes are violent crimes. It's just that the violence is removed from the perpetrator because the perpetrator is wealthy.
dommeing IS a form of worship
Just can't stop loving the image of things blocking a flame. These are ancient and I don't exactly know how old. Probably 2015?
Balsun, the Ursine Samurai. I can't find his ally, a birdfolk thief, but they were a pair of vagabond vigilantes, basically just doing the anime ronin bit. I want to say, like, 2013.
SOME ALIENS! I wrote a ttrpg setting, essentially a pf1 sci fi setting called Welcome to MErCO. The Chultorr were basically squatty beetle guys, a hive culture that are exceptionally tough and resilient. Ironically, the chultorr in that party was the biggest softy in the party... Well, least crazy.
Half of these were never used! But I do like this setting and some of these aliens, it could be fun to revisit some of this. These were probably done in, like, 2013 or 14.
My character who, while predating undertale by about three months, is just Undine Undertale. I mourn this to this day. 2015
Have I mentioned I'm being exceptionally thorough with these uploads? Probably 20...14-16?
Some Mehrafarina's! These are kind of in reverse order, with the most recent ones being from 2023, but the others being from during her campaign, one being during her second design, one very late game when I was obsessed with drawing hers scars.
So, today was the first time in a few weeks where the weather and my body and everything lined up and I'm not hurting over every inch of my body and Holy fuck am I depressed! Jesus! I haven't enjoyed anything in months? I haven't had an appetite in weeks! Holy shit! Somebody fucking kill me! :D