Blue Witch, Cassandra

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Blue Witch, Cassandra

35 / She/They / ⚧
No, I am not sick of being nice
Yes, I want to go apeshit.
We all contain contradictions.

This is my personal account.
Well, that’s no good, but I’ve missed you! It’s good to see you! Glad to hear KS went so well!
I'm so glad to come home to see diy tiefling transition discussions. I wanna get a full, like, head dress wig that includes some side mounted ram's horns.
cis ppl can barely handle short hair on a woman meanwhile the dolls are sharing resources for fangs, claws, and horns
Amen, sister. Better an honest monster than a hollow life.
Sticker Mule is both A) A more expensive option and B) Run by a trophy-hunting, Trump-worshiping Qultist. You have other options! Check this spreadsheet! (And while we're at it: ditch U-LINE. Also unfathomably awful people.)
all I had to do was click on one sticker ad on IG and suddenly my feed was full of other sticker ads. I clicked on them all and did the math for you. The best small-run samples pricing is at SlapCo; best overall pricing is at Sticker Cyborg or Sticker OG Factory.
Sticker Sticker Pricing Sticker Size/Type,Qty, Price , Price Ea. StickerMule,3 x 3 (Samples),10, $ 9.00 , $ 0.90 StickerMule,3 x 3 (Typical Vinyl),100, $ 94.00 , $ 0.94 StickerMule,3 x 3 (Typical Vinyl),2...
Hello, #PortfolioDay! ✨I am EmrysBell, Ukranian artist ✨OC artist and worldbuilder ✨Obsessed with science fiction, dnd and Dragon Age
I'm sorry, seeing "you're a fascist" directly after the sentence "the urinal becomes art only through intent" is just buck wild. The reputation of Duchamp's Fountain is that it's a fascist detector based on who not merely doesn't get it, but resists the idea that it could be art. Losing my mind.
I’ve been trying to develop an idea with that specific phrase lately!
CW animal bones, weird rabbit anatomy D E A T H
This curdled, cursed blood ends with me. I will not infect a child with this.
The Modular Man (1/3) CW: Gore
Unfortunately, I must alert everybody, but I'm actually hot.
I need to finish writing my commission page, tos and a go fund me to help my partner and I get moved.
I feel like I look like transfemme silent bob...
Probably my most retweeted post back there was the one that went "I fundamentally believe 'i suffered so you should too' is a shitty way to live. It's morally bad, politically bad, & just bad for your heart."
In researching the next book a trauma expert told me offhandedly she believed most political issues and controversies came down to an argument over whether kids and young people should suffer the same abuse as the previous generation and boy oh boy is that on my mind a lot recently.
Thank you for hosting!! I draw lots of dungeon babes and things of that nature and I have some prints on inprnt!
I made an amazing potato leek soup the other day, and I'm making gumbo today.
of all my problematic beliefs, the one most likely to get me canceled is yeah, i genuinely think we are better than youse motherfuckers. the average cis person would die after 1% of the shit we have to put up with from you demons
cis people will never get it, no matter how much of a good ally they are, deep down they see it as a choice. and it is a choice. one between life or death. i chose to live.
idk if people would be comfortable with the specific prompt, but I really want to see a commission page/image thread? I want to see how other artists present their pricing, lmao.
If you see this post, QRP with a character that has long hair! I have a few, but none I've drawn as much as Mehrafarina.
If you see this post, QRP with a character that has long hair! Curly candyfloss 🍭 #украрт #originalcharacter
How do I get in on the lucrative anti-tech grift? I really could use the money right now
Any time someone tells me pro social anti tech anti money behavior is a grift or crisis actors, I ask them for a job application. I'm already agitating, and they seem to know its a paid gig, hook me up.
Full admission : I don't know how to play it! I read it, but I've never been able to parse text-book style RPGs until I've played them, so I only have a vague idea of how 4e worked. But I remember how it became a shibboleth for 'those fuckers ruining our game'
The reactionary response to 4e was to call it tabletop WoW and never read the book. But I don't think enough people of any type liked it to call it having been anybody's game.
Clothes are a prison. Strip naked where you stand