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DM Larson

✏️ Cartoonist
💬 Comics Posted Weekly

Way out where the dandelions grow
Dagger Dude doesn't do the back and forth banter very well. #Comics #Webcomics
Updating To Wander with a Greek chorus has been interesting. I struggled with designing the characters in a way that doesn't undermine the point of the comic (figuring drawing practice). I found low budget stage plays to be close to the vibe I wanted and kind of related. #Comics #Art #MakingComics
The defining restriction on my comics is trying to make something where I'm most frequently stuck with what is available to me. The hard parts is telling an appropriate story within those limitations and not moving the project to my full setup when I can. #comics #art #ComicCraft #MakingComics
Honesty is the foundation of any relationship. #Comic #Webcomic
I want to say these are 2017 to 2023 redraws. I think I'm probably done with themed month challenges. Well, I always drew ahead so the challenge was more about keeping ~30 deadlines and I did that about twice a year on top of my regular posting and day job work load. #Art #Monsters
So many implications with this conversation. #Comic #Webcomic
I really need to do a better job at spell checking. I shouldn't have this much trouble spelling wiener. Anyway here is a new Bootleg Comix page with some "deep lore." #Webcomic #Comic
I like this panel. It is a lesson from a bygone era.
I present this comic strip without commentary. #comics #webcomics
Weekend Efforts Penciled a new page 10 for this Merfolk Barbarian short to give it a Tower of the Elephant twist and thumbed the last page. Added a bunch of details to other pages and made sure continuity looks right. There is a bit more penciling to go but I can probably start inking. #comics
Another panel that got cut from To Wander's montage section. The idea being that Curio (the barbie doll naked alien character) would wander into other stories but I power loaded the idea into the montage and then didn't have anywhere to go with it when it came time to actually tell a story with it.
I feel like I might of had a setup strip before this one but I can't find one. So clearly I just wanted to jump to the bare butt joke again. #Webcomics #Comics
I think I spelled wiener wrong in this Bootleg Comix strip. #comic #WebComic
Because I have no one to answer to, here are some new thumb nails from my weekend of work on the comic Not A Typewriter.
I keep forgetting to post stuff relavent to seasonal events. Since 2020 I've been posting a Saturday morning cartoon themed comic and last year I finally made it explicit that it is a queer story. #pride
Despite having bookshelves in every room but the bathroom, it can feel like a novelty to read a physical book at times. A "let me show you this thing" level novelty. #Webcomic #ComicStrip
I drew a lot on sticky notes. I tried to figure out an art style that I could quickly and consistently reproduce and it lead to my Merfolk Barbarian comic. A comic that doesn't have a consistent art style. Nor is it drawn on sticky notes. Still trying to figure something out. #Art
Norse mythology based super heroes can get weeeeeird. #Webcomics #Art
Ooof saw a few people saying "Grow where you are planted" in regards to people leaving Instagram. There are a lot possible implications with a statement like that but my first though was that I can't go back to Friendster, or LiveJournal, or Myspace. Instagram wasn't even like my 7th platform.
This would be a good comic to overexplain in attempt to compensate for its lack of substance. #Webcomics #Comic
Same drawing but inked and colored differently for different stories. I'm getting 1992 Littlest Pet Shop playset vibes from it. Just need to add some bushes or something.
A story of business in two parts. Totally not a comic strip I originally drew 7 years ago that is infuriatingly still relevant today. #Webcomic #Art
How the weekend project turned out. I found it a bit too easy to go over board or not do enough. Finding that middle ground was a challenge but still quicker than doing a digital ink wash. Also this is suppose to be the comic with the unhinged robots. What am I doing? #Comics #Art