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Writer, book person. Bookseller, librarian. Brown Ajah. איך רעד אַ ביסל ייִדיש. Words in Haiku Universe, Corvus Review, Bare Back Magazine, elsewhere. #wellesley Writing a memoir. Slava Ukraini. #standwithisrael #BLM she/her
Reposted byAvatar Marie
Here's the thing. If a bunch of rich people manage to bully the party into kicking out the *elected candidate* and replace him with literally anyone and we go into the election with a person chosen by a bunch of rich people that nobody had a chance to vote for our democracy is already dead.
someone just angry-faced me for a silly FB post and I'm like, what? get a life.
i finally learned how to sew scrunches y'all.
Reposted byAvatar Marie
one important thing that will hopefully help you maintain morale during all of this: you personally are so much hotter than donald trump, and all of the republicans, and they are so mad about it and that's why they act like babies. they can't handle how much hotter you are than them. remember that
i tried to order a certain novel used and twice the orders were cancelled because someone else had just ordered it before me. must be a book club pick or something.
sometimes i forget how much it helps my eyes to turn down the screen light on my laptop a little.
Reposted byAvatar Marie
Am continuing to write and focus on my fun children's books as active resistance against a whole bunch of bigots who don't want to acknowledge me as a whole person and natural born citizen of this country. I am not white, I am not christian, and I belong here too.
Reposted byAvatar Marie
I will never forgive establishment Dems if they push Biden out, and fucking lose due a self-inflicted gunshot wound like they did in 2016. The "rank & file" is sick to death of losing due to the stupid strategies of rich assholes who are convinced they know better than everyone with less money
if you are any kind of creative, i can't recommend keith haring's journals more highly. such a pleasure to watch as someone thinks so deeply and sensitively about art. plus he liked disneyland and went on haunted mansion twice.
Reposted byAvatar Marie
Let me save you some time: all those Appalachian writers you know? They think that dude’s book sucks. And they’re right. Go read David Joy, Leah Hampton, Ron Rash, Silas House, and Crystal Wilkinson. You know, for starters. You’re welcome.
Reposted byAvatar Marie
I'm still kind of dumbfounded that a) Trump threatened that he'd fire the chairman of the Federal Reserve if he, in effect, reduced people's mortgage rates before the election and generally boosted the economy and b) he's not being hammered for it.
i'm under a lot of pressure because my friend i'm doing a friends quest with has 14 perfect lessons to my 7 and i thought i could rack up some easy ones with french but no dice.
i got 100% on all my yiddish and japanese lessons today and f'ed up repeatedly on french. LOL
tfw you hate smart shuffle but it plays a song that 's perfect for the playlist.
dipping my toe back in writing my book and working on essays. trying to feel buoyed rather than depressed by the amount of feedback on the essay stuff. feel that nothing of mine may ever be accepted for publication again but if i've already peaked, then so be it?
i wish we could do more than one spellling bee every day.
Reposted byAvatar Marie
Another one! The LA Times is hiring a film critic. They're looking for someone experienced (as they should), but damn, there are so many outstanding critics out there. Spread the word, if you would be so kind filmsky! 🔥🎬
Job opportunity at California Times - Film Check out this great job opportunity!
Reposted byAvatar Marie
The Dems need to act like Repubs for once and PULL TOGETHER. Biden is fine. He is not withdrawing from the race--I'm guessing he realizes this country won't elect a Black woman, and he won't abandon Kamala Harris. Support him. Support democracy. Quit your stupid infighting. The future depends on it.
Reposted byAvatar Marie
If sleep deprivation and bad choices got me into this mess, sleep deprivation and bad choices are the only way out
what in the world would i even do with a pink lilly pulitzer puffer vest? what WOULDN"T I do with it?
well the fireworks were spectacular, truly. wow.
Reposted byAvatar Marie
Will someone smart tell me why all of the news media are focused on Biden’s lapses rather than the convicted felon heading the other party?
feeling almost normal for the first time in days. that's nice.
you can feel yucky not just from the medical procedure itself but from the side effects of the procedure. who knew?
when i say i'm going to read for a while, what i mean is scroll through fb and nap.
bingeing fruits basket tonight. keep the tissues handy!
my latest flash CNF piece is up on the latest issue of Corvus Review!