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Dev (Python, mostly), dad. I read too much.
The common thread I keep seeing in all the Project 2025 points is this angle of “how can we make things a little better for our donors, at the expense of literally anyone else”
When you get there too early so you take an extra lap around the block…
I don’t care how this ends, Haas ripping up the entire field on their full wets is kinda delightful.
West Wing and Band of Brothers, no doubt (prolly a few others?)
What TV series have you watched all the way through more than three times?
I think I broke my teenager’s brain. We were playing “Guess Who?” at dinner (restaurant has board games) and she asked if my person was a man. I replied “I don’t want to assume their gender” and got SUCH A LOOK back from her.
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Reposted byAvatar Brad
If only there was some movie that offered a societal warning about the pitfalls of losing one's humanity in pursuit of an AI that sounds like Scarlett Johansson
I started Dead Boy Detectives because I kept seeing talking about it on here. Now we’re tearing through it dreadfully fast and I think about it all day when I’m not watching it.
Today I come to you with a simple but important message: if you haven’t yet tried’s Cajeta, do remedy that as soon as possible. You can thank me after.
I almost have a joke about Sisyphus, but it’s still in progress.
I have a joke about Tantalus, but no one ever quite gets it.
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You know what’s really ironic is that RFK Jr should have started taking ivermectin much earlier in life
can’t. found a black fly in my Chardonnay
can't. coming outta my cage and i'm doing just fine
Avatar Every so often my self-hosted SkyBridge instance gets in this state and none of my clients can pull the TL. Any clue what would cause this or how to fix it? I got lost in the code last time I tried to chase it myself.
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this is, hilariously, just six hours
It’s amazing how a certain type of rich guy can just claim without evidence that he spends all of his time working while we all see him fucking around on social constantly, picking fights with ex wives and girlfriends, doing ketamine and bragging about it…
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again, when the cops tell you that you’re over-reacting, you should really be thinking twice about your response.
why are the cops worrying about this and not the university?????
Reposted byAvatar Brad
Heard someone say she went to a bar “really early, like 9 pm,” and the next thing I heard was the sound of all my bones crumbling into dust
FINALLY getting around to starting’s latest Murderbot book (was delayed for secret reasons) and my goodness it’s like settling in to chat with an old friend almost immediately.
Avatar I think this might be your music?
This is random as hell, but if anyone in the Twin Cities knows where you can get small spot welds repaired or redone, I’d appreciate a recommendation.
I’ve come to realize just how much I enjoy sharing something I love with people I care about. Good friend of mine just this week started The Bear after resisting for a long time. He’s loving it and it makes me *so* happy.
Reposted byAvatar Brad
Jesus Christ then just tell us what his demands are already!!
Reposted byAvatar Brad
Finally, cotton swabs for men.
Well, we are now *officially* a two-EV household (start the countdown to also being a “has a teenage driver” household at 45-ish days)
Avatar I think I found a typo in the federation announcement — y’all mis-spelled “internected”.
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it's been long enough for me to admit publicly that when i left Gizmodo in 2022 I changed my Slack username to "S1ackbot" and the G/O Media failed to detect or delete it for months
Well, I was in Band, Choir, and Math/Science Team, so…yeah, that.
I can’t imagine any Bsky early adopter was cool in high school, so what kind of loser were you?
Of all the dev things that drive me nuts, perhaps the one that chaps me most is AWS's default CLI SSO auth timeout being 8 hours, when most everyone is working a 9 hour (8+lunch) day at minimum. Every dang afternoon between 4 and 4:15.
Just read the entirety of's latest missive, covering in detail the skull-smashing beastly immortality of Jack Reacher and have zero notes. Perfect writing, hang it in the Louvre next to a 12 ft pic of Reacher stopping a bullet with his 3” thick titanium-strength kneecap.
Avatar Need you to know that I nudged my wife into checking out your book on a trip this week, and she — the biggest Star Trek TNG nerd I know — put down *Patrick Stewart’s Autobiography* to give HIAWWY a start and hasn’t looked back for like 2 days now.