
Myster Joshua
Myster Joshua
World of Darkness Book Collector, Loremonger, breaker of bread, owner of one numb thumb.

Jaunter around Sigil. Documancer for Acq Inc.

I don't have any opinions. Just unrelated and unhinged historical anecdotes.

Brian Bilston
Brian Bilston
I write poems.
Hunter Walker
Hunter Walker
Investigative Reporter @ TPM
RickOnTheLake 🍁
RickOnTheLake 🍁
"Just a modern boy in a post-modern world."

"Nae king! Nae quin! Nae laird! Nae master!"

Hate is unimaginative, and lacks funk.

Bitcoin gets an automatic block
DrunkGrunkle 🗡️Guts Arc
DrunkGrunkle 🗡️Guts Arc
Irreverent GenX Hermit
Married to a Hobbit
Discord: t.ia

About me:

Not Officially Endorsed By:
Carol Kroeger
Carol Kroeger
Writer, Reader, Maker of Meals, Ex-American, Current Canadian, Newfie roots, ABC voter, HoH, Cat Caretaker, Garden Mismanager, She/Her
Writer, performer, and farm dwelling land lover.
Raywat Deonandan
Raywat Deonandan
Professor, Epidemiologist, Research Chair in University Teaching. Teller of stupid jokes, Keeper of good hair, Servant to a toddler, Scourge of the ignorant.
Ariana Maher
Ariana Maher
Comic Book Letterer. she/her. Portfolio at Contact me about lettering through there! Current work includes Detective Comics, Superman, Star Wars: The High Republic, Captain Marvel, Forged, and Critical Role! 💗💜💙
Bill Barnett
Bill Barnett
DJ, host of Permutations on WVUD 91.3FM in Newark, Delaware; occasional reader of SF/F/H
Larry Bolster
Larry Bolster
I am back! And I am a dad, husband, and LCSW. I am old enough to have seen Star Wars in a theater the first time. I love all things 80's! I am a progressive who values acceptance and inclusion. If you are a kind person, then I'd love to be friends! #BKind
rufus 2.0
rufus 2.0
Not new here.
Let's have some fun, shall we

PP: old meme I made
BP: Sign at Swami's break

My bad:
Link. 🥥 🌴
Link. 🥥 🌴
Falling out of a coconut tree to vote. Unburdened by what has been.

Profile: AJ and Kamala Harris outside.

Banner: AJ and Kamala Harris masked inside.
Berlin: things curious & forgotten | Berlin Companion Podcast & Books | Tagesspiegel: Aus der Zeit | VoiceMap audio-tours |
Carmen Drahl
Carmen Drahl
DC-based freelance journalist and editor | science, health, food | ✍️ DCist, Knowable, NPR, Science News | Sec’y DC Science Writers Association 🦆 | Chemistry Ph.D. | Inglés y Español | she/her
Artist; All Cats; Stone and Sky, Sometimes Trees and other occasional whimsy/mood.
Pete Miles
Pete Miles
Ex- consultant, manager, marketer, engineer. Interested in Complexity, Systems and Collective Intelligence. GSOH
Critical Russ Theory
Critical Russ Theory
Welcome to my mid-life crisis • Reconstructionist • Special Envoy for Counter-Malarkey • Ambassador and Minister Plenipotentiary from Ohio to the U.S.A. • Critically Acclaimed Author of “Speaking of Production Control” • Born Between the Cuyahoga and Chagr
Karen M. Poremski
Karen M. Poremski
Writer, reader, knitter, spinner, spouse, parent, bossed around by cats. Fan of bike races. Haver of chronic illnesses. Living in a place named for the Delaware people.
Rachel LeCaffeinated
Rachel LeCaffeinated
Mother. Wife. Friend. Nurse Practitioner. Student for life. Advocate for sensible gun reform. NOW. Please send poetry.
Jessie Losch
Jessie Losch
MPH. Rescue dog owner, caffeine-relier-oner, fútbol watcher, vegan stress baker. Mostly yelling about abortion access. She/her/ella 🇺🇾💚
ᔕᕼᑌT ᑌᑭ, ᕼOᖇSƬ
ᔕᕼᑌT ᑌᑭ, ᕼOᖇSƬ
Champion in the epic war against squirrels

My Posts:
Aaron Wallace
Aaron Wallace
Bicyclist, gardener, miniature painter, former retail wine buyer. Wilmington, Delaware.
Abstract Artist using acrylic paints, inks & colored pencil, hobby photographer, professional goofball, meme maker, Nature & Animals
#ExPostie #ExPostNews
Photos/Art created by me
©Sevy -all rights reserved
🚫NO AI/NFT/Crypto
Dr. Tessa Fisher
Dr. Tessa Fisher
Postdoc researching exoplanet biosignatures, Univ. of Arizona | Astrobiologist | Trans Lesbian | Wife | SFF Writer | Lukewarm Ecosocialist | Union Woman | One Half of the ASAB podcast | She/Her
Words and opinions are my own.
Rheinkind mit Lichtblicken • Musik getränkt • Natur verliebt • Fernweh geplagt • kreativ gesteuert • maître of Konfusionkitchen • nicht müde das Gute u Schöne zu sehen ☕️

•Alles meine Fotos• 📸 by Kara
Robert McNees
Robert McNees
Professor and physicist. Black holes, quantum gravity, cosmology. Rocky Top. Tar Heel. Reposts are spooky action at a distance. These are my views, not my employer's. Just terrible at this.
Kelly Street
Kelly Street
Assistant Professor in Biostatistics at USC. Interested in computational tools for single-cell genomics, esp. R/Bioconductor.
I’m from 🇯🇵→🇦🇺→🇮🇹
I used to be a tour guide,
so I like to ride around 🚙💨and see beautiful scenery then eat local yummy food there.
I love taking pictures 📸 of them and share with you
She/her, norwegian/english, a splendid cat, very tired
Porter Square Books
Porter Square Books
Fiercely independent bookstore in Cambridge and Boston, MA
Lisa Wines
Lisa Wines
Bisbee, AZ Democrat. Collage artist. Webmaster at
Quasi Hatrack
Quasi Hatrack
Not a real hatrack
alice | she/her (or they/them if you’re also trans)
Designer, researcher, & active travel charity trustee in Edinburgh. Frustrated urbanist, clumsy bike mechanic, long-distance runner. Used to work night shift.
An American in Canada. Cold. Cranky.
Steve Stevers
Steve Stevers
CEO, Antifa LLC
CEO, Antifa LLC
147% supercritical farts, dirtbag left, slutty dad, divorce enthusiast, one time OSHA Forklift Certified, ENM, “y’all” means all, disaster bisexual LED fanatic

he/they, 44, sterilized

discord / telegram: areadirtbag
Formerly @flyfishsalt on Twitter. Celtics fan for 60+years. Johnny Most & Tommy were right. The other team was using knives and axes. Call those fouls! I can’t fish any more, so I tie flies for Healing Waters, a program of Wounded Warriors. Be kind.
Biologist + Scientific Illustrator @
🏠 Oregon, USA


Art History Animalia
Art History Animalia
Zoologist exploring animal iconography via intersections of natural history with art & visual culture history. AKA Deniz (she/they), PhD student @ UD.
Top 3% Turkey Content Provider
Top 3% Turkey Content Provider
Back Yard Turkeys. Siamese cat.
Other old man stuff.
Reply guy.
“Chronic case of teutonic lassitude.”
📌 South Shore MA
Books. Boardgames. Family. A healthy dose of horror.
Kevin Dorse
Kevin Dorse
citizen • pedestrian • husband • cat butler • Saultite residing in 🇨🇦's capital • middle-distance visionary • high-functioning introvert • may contain🍕
Andrew S. 🇪🇺 💙 🇺🇦 🌈
Andrew S. 🇪🇺 💙 🇺🇦 🌈
Tech communicator/carer, beer, literature (sf/f/h), astronomy, homebrew, @rushtheband fan. #RejoinEU #FBPE #MaskUp @[email protected] @irr_orbit on Twitter
James Felix Black
James Felix Black
A large person, in Canada. Father to two, smaller persons. Wife guy. Dual citizen, a modicum of discipline.

Proud liberal. Hobbesian. Unix apostate, Classic Mac OS revanchist, tilter at path-dependent windmills. Emacsist.
Dennis Hansen
Dennis Hansen
Concept- & content developer new Natural History Museum UniZurich 🌿🦉💀🦕
Island biologist w. fetish for giant tortoises (Aldabrans!) and rewilding 🐢
Fond of Gessner (x2) & Scheuchzer; lover of old books, older fossils, and history of science
Lia Pas
Lia Pas
SciArt symptomatology and anatomy embroidery, writing, and ME/CFS. A bit of music too. Canadian settler. she/her.
Brian Hickey
Brian Hickey
Storyteller. Philly.