Myster Joshua

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Myster Joshua

World of Darkness Book Collector, Loremonger, breaker of bread, owner of one numb thumb.

Jaunter around Sigil. Documancer for Acq Inc.

I don't have any opinions. Just unrelated and unhinged historical anecdotes.

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Henry – I'm sorry to cut you off, but we're going live to CrowdStrike headquarters, where they are demonstrating a new process for testing product updates. Uh, oh, customers are now reporting a blue screen in their eyes.
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guy at Crowdstrike HQ accidentally dragging a file called "~Chemical Brothers_-_Funk Soul Brother~.mp3.exe" he downloaded from KaZaa into that day's security update patch
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Crowdstrike : our best engineer is on this The engineer:
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good day for a re up
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leather goddesses of phobos, advert (included with game packaging), excerpt (1986)
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Do you ever wonder why the crowd that loves to "trigger" folks and despises "sensitive snowflakes" wrings their hands and cries so much when a joke targets someone they idolize? It's not really hypocrisy - they live in a world that is not ruled by values, but by hierarchy
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Worth thinking about how long Tolkien goes on in Return of the King about despair being a weapon, and presenting defeat as a forgone conclusion being a deliberate and effective tactic
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Rellana, Twin Moon Night. #EldenRing
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One of those poison/acid dragons from DnD but from the front the horns are curled into a biohazard symbol
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if you’re not into tabletop role-playing games you may not know that when you play in person you often have a miniature that represents your character Hero Forge is a site that lets you make custom minis, and they just added chest binders as an option, and that’s SO GREAT 🏳️‍⚧️🩷
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This thirsty bitch. The Irish have a saying about someone like this: "At every wedding, he wants to be the bride; at every funeral, he wants to be the corpse."
Lmaoooo yeah well someone tried to kill me twice
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Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly : Wrestling is a good way to meet bad men.
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly (I've got a few): Bitter ex-girlfriends reunite as the city of Chicago wants their blood A girl and her large, weird dog tour America doing crimes Living in Oklahoma sucks real bad What if the Big Brother house was a boxing ring
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Welp here we go...
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WBD's stock price has tanked ~78% since David Zaslav was announced as CEO— $32.68 on 05/19/21 to $7.32, today— to say nothing of the brand loyalty, goodwill, & creative talent he's destroyed. It is amazing & genuinely horrifying that anyone could fail this badly, & remain in a position of authority
David Zaslav has failed at literally everything he was hired to do and he should have every cent he's earned garnished and used to compensate all the people he fucked over in his pursuit of this unmitigated disaster of a result.
Warner Bros. Discovery Stock Price Plummets After Q4 Earnings Warner Bros. Discovery shares fell sharply in the first minutes of trading Friday following the company's Q4 earnings report.
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Yes, my co-worker and I enjoy juvenile humor and behavior at times. Not our fault we had an empty Acererak's Treasure box just sitting around the shop. #DnD #Humor
Dead Space. In the first one, Isaac Clarke doesn't have a single nice thing to say about anybody. Not his coworkers, not his girlfriend, nobody! In the second Dead Space he's so much more personable, it's quite eye opening to see the difference.
without saying new testament, name a sequel where the protagonist is suddenly unrealistically nicer.
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hotfix male. release candidate male. shovelware male
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You alright man? I keep seeing small damage numbers coming off you
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Today's Low Quality Facts are brought to you by this Solar Power Portable Charger. The good: It's 88% off, which is a crazy good deal. The bad: If too many people buy them then we may drain all of the sun's energy and accidentally destroy the solar system.
Genesis - Jesus He Knows Me
you're in hell. the second worst song ever made, on loop forever, is your punishment. what song is it?
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Pact and pike - an in-depth look at how peasants in medieval Europe organized and fought. Wrongly written off as filthy and superstitious, the "rustics" facing feudalism instead often had deep networks of organizing and resistance: