
Neoliberalism demands the appearance of normalcy and order. Masks represent disorder and a threat to the attempts to sweep covid and the necropolitics/eugenic worldview at play in allowing it to continue its spread and kill tens of thousands of Americans unabated. This is deeply authoritarian.
UPDATE: NY Governor Kathy Hochul said on CNN last night that she is considering a ban on masks. This is absolutely shameful! New York has suffered so much from COVID, and COVID is not over. We should be normalizing and depoliticizing masks, not banning them.
strong tributary currents of the post-9/11 omni-surveillance & islamophobia too
Whole lot of things at play in these decisions and their predecessors actions
I still remember how ridiculously blatant some people were about being more than happy with sacrificing the old and vulnerable as long as they got to go to the grocery store, and how much they'd throw their arms up when you asked them if they understood how psychotic they sounded. Really jarring.
Or the glee when the news told them it was only Republicans dying.
masks represent order, though! people caring for their own health and others’ is incredibly orderly and cooperative
Not in the world of neoliberalism. Cooperation and cooperative response is a threat to the atomizing forces it harnesses to compel compliance.
right, I forget the anti-facts worldview of this crowd!
really prefer if the government would stop trying outlawing my personal decisions about how I live my life
So dispiriting. Real "What are we even fighting for?" vibes to the people that presumably are against fascism.
Capitalism is an inhumane system that rewards inhumanity and exploits + punishes humane behaviors/people