
This is amazing and is a serious way to start to fight back the fascist menace we as Americans face. This is just amazing and I cannot say enough good things about this kind of thing. We need more of this in other areas let’s crowd source a pro democracy movement response before the election.
Countering the far rights online machine is great and a wonderful step.We need to do more and others who can should start to organize other groups that can educate their fellow citizens in quick ways about the republicans and project 2025 simple stuff that can educate and show the dangers it poses
we need to counter the "legacy" media machine, it turns out, not just the far right propaganda firehose.
Signed up. Thanks for sharing! I’d much rather do something even if it ends in failure than just doom scroll myself into endless despair.
We have tons of time here to do amazing things and bring tons of people of all kinds into a counter far right movement ahead of the election. We can’t doom scroll we need to start to act and build communities and groups to do things like this.
We will elect Biden and defeat trump despite Biden's best attempts to prevent this from happening.