Maybe June?

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Maybe June?

I'm a programmer by trade, but I also enjoy making really, really dumb jokes. he/they

Ok: Couchfucker JD Vance is such an *aggressively* a poor choice, I'm led to wonder what it is that got him tapped as running mate. Does he have actionable Trump dirt? Did he give someone favors? Money?
Not once in my lifetime had I thought I would be reading and agreeing with a string of words like this. But time makes fools of us all.
I need you to understand something: You will never, ever, ever make me feel bad for making fun of JD Vance fucking a couch. This couch fucker actively works every day to hasten my death. I will not under any circumstances feel bad for "kink-shaming" him.
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As someone who was team "there's no way we can switch candidates and win" last week, and not a huge Harris fan before that, I have never been so happy to be wrong on all counts. The more I hear about her the more excited I get. Actually considering getting involved for the first time since '08
Reposted byAvatar Maybe June?
So, one positive thing about Harris is that she has a solid record on trans rights that goes beyond pithy statements. In her role as DA in San Francisco, she worked to abolish the gay and trans panic defense. As AG, she made it happen in California in 2014. The state was the first to ban it.
Reposted byAvatar Maybe June?
i drop this when people are prone to click through to a “just asking questions about trans people” piece in the new york times. 1—that’ll make it the best performing piece of the day 2—you don’t need to read it; the take is that our rights are a bargaining chip 3—the nyt has always been like this
in 1986—peak AIDS crisis; only 6 months after reagan admitted AIDS was real—the NYT ran a william f buckley op-ed calling for all HIV+ people to be tattooed on the arm & the ass for the greater good anyone giving the NYT the benefit of the doubt about trans coverage: this is who they’ve always been
Reposted byAvatar Maybe June?
mother. fucker.
i love stone fruit season! just put some plums in the icebox, really looking forward to eating them chilled for breakfast. i sure hope they’re still there in the morning!
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Reposted byAvatar Maybe June?
He did not become a right winger because his child came out as trans. His daughter came out as trans & like many right wing people he is now retroactively using that as a coward's justification for his radical beliefs. He is the world's greatest beneficiary of apartheid. He was always right wing.
i believe this is the first time Elon Musk himself has publicly admitted to essentially becoming a right winger because his child came out as trans
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whenever these big gop oppo lists come out it always looks like this, like god please give us the scary candidate you made up
Reposted byAvatar Maybe June?
Look, Kamala Harris sucks. And if I, as a California sex worker, would crawl over glass to vote for her I'm not real interested in the piss baby shit. Kamala Harris is a lot of problems, but she's not fascism. And all of the problems that she can or will bring, can be fought. Fascism is worse
Reposted byAvatar Maybe June?
This is worth sitting down and reading. It's sources are cited, all the information is verified, it ain't just a random Tumblr post. I'm not gonna say it made me suddenly LOVE Kamala but it did make me rethink her history on trans folks and how much of the narrative is folks parroting back and forth
i haven’t fact checked all of this yet, but the links are in there it seems Harris may have been unfairly maligned as transphobic, in the way BIPOC women get the blame for everything she’s apologized for her mistake, and may in fact be the most pro-trans presidential candidate EVER
hatsune miku made that the article linked in the original post is a members only medium article. i've copied the contents of the article under the cut to increase accessibility Kamala Harris’s Record on Trans Rights Isn’t…
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"Vote for Kamala and you never have to think about Donald Trump ever again, for the rest of your life." Say it. Believe it. Live it. Spread the word.
Reposted byAvatar Maybe June?
Expand the Supreme Court on your way out, bro. Just do it. Die historic on the Fury Road
So, since we're in "Fucked if I know" territory anyway, and there's a chance Biden's replacement might not even make it onto some states' ballots(?), what do you think would happen should there be... """problems""" that occur on Nov 4??
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Reposted byAvatar Maybe June?
“I don’t know about you, but my community does not have the option to lose. My community does not have the luxury of accepting loss in July of an election year. My people are the first ones deported. They’re the first ones put in Rikers. They’re the first ones whose families are killed by war.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez warns anti-Biden Democrats about what comes next if they The progressive New Yorker spoke on Instagram about the potential risks of pressuring President Joe Biden to end his campaign.
Reposted byAvatar Maybe June?
Hell yeah brother this whips
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Really hope we can dispense once and for all with the notion that Trump voters are suffering, misguided, and misunderstood when they’re being so vocally and insistently like “we want ethnic cleansing.”
I've seen a lot of one-offs of people holding these signs, but what is truly chilling is a sea of these being held up by delegates.
Hey what if y'all called me June for a while, huh?
Well, today's off to a fine start. I poured out the last of this batch of coffee and my glass was only like 2/3rd full.
Reposted byAvatar Maybe June?
We can, and will, talk about all the ways J.D. Vance is a venal, craven sycophant and a champion for a regressive, isolationist, protectionist, job-destroying, rights-suppressing agenda that should chill every American to their very core. (1/4)
Whatever happened to the Time Cube guy?
Listening to the Chrono Trigger OST this morning and now I *really* want to play it again.
Reposted byAvatar Maybe June?
Senate Dems should take one of their assorted gun control bills off the shelf, rename it something like "Trump Assassination Prevention Act," and force Rs to do a talking filibuster to block it
Well, I guess it's not that big a deal that I only scheduled m,y MRIs now because they're booked until mid-September anyway. I doubt they would have had July appointments 2 weeks ago.
Merge a band with a TV show: Men Without Rings of Power
Merge a band with a TV show: Cocteau Twin Peaks