
Just to make sure everyone knows, this console is funder by palmer lucky. So do not buy it.
*funded. And since I have to make typo corrections, in case folks don't know Luckey is hosting a fundraising event for Trump this week and has gotten into weapons development. An all around shitstain
I’m pretty disappointed that Toki Tori is getting an exclusive deluxe version to that thing. One of my favorite GBC games and it’s caught up in that mess.
what is wrong with this guy
I want to go back to when I naively found this sort of discovery in tech n' games shocking.
I remember meeting him at a TGS, the last time I went. Probably 2018 or something. Couldn't stand being around the guy. He made me feel unclean.
I read the book about him and briefly admired his creativity until it all went sour. Imagine the good he could’ve done if he’d chosen a different path. Not a visionary, not a savior, just an engineer with talents wanting to improve society, not drag it down or hurt people.
Yep - and he's doing a trump fundraiser this month as well
looking at this thing, while I loathe Analogue’s dishonest marketing about “not being emulagion”, why would anybody spend this much on what is ultimately a worse version of the Analohue Pocket? @.@
From what I’ve seen of it, it has ONE big strength: it uses regular AA batteries versus an integrated rechargeable (which I’ve come to loathe). Beyond that, I’d go Pocket any day of the week.
It’s also very weird to spend all this money on an insane custom screen and then give it a shell that make it look like something you buy in a blister package in Target
On top of that, I really don’t understand why they made it 1:1 with the old screen - it’s tiny??? Nintendo made it that small back then because they were cheap! There’s no reason to be so fetishistically set on recreating that size when every other modern option is bigger and better for it.
Yeah, I remember being disappointed in the GBC at the time for the screen size, it felt like a step back and I still feel like the proportions of the GBC look off…
Yeah, the GB Pocket always looked way nicer to me. The recent trend of modding GB Pockets to be a GBC with a bigger screen looks especially nice! (Though their battery life is awful lol)
GB Pocket was definitely a larger, sharper screen for playing BW games than GBC
That is nice. Can really see the difference, even the GBC’s buttons seem wrong to me. And I hate the comic sans-ass “color” script.
I'll be real, the shell looks nice! That's one of my two real complaints with the Analogue Pocket, the shell is bad and the hole cuts are rough. This looks better in that regard and that regard only.
And if you do, make sure it’s with a credit card that fights hard for you when you dispute a charge. They don’t sound terribly confident in their ability to deliver a good product or even get it safely to consumers. Bad look!
Lmfao at them selling 30-45 dollar Gameboy games too. Go to hell Palmer Luckey. It's worse than the Analogue Pocket too except maybe the case might be better. No SD card slot on one of these things???
It really bothers me how this is being reported on in some outlets, with the Vox story saying "I don't allow politics to get in a way of a cool thing" which is a WILD take
Analogue Pocket already exists, is a hardware emulator, and can also play GBA games. With a converter (or a jailbreak and some ROMS) it can play a host of other handheld systems like Game Gear, Neo Geo Pocket, and Turbo Express. What does dipshit think he is bringing to the table here?
And most critically, the Pocket's resolution (1660x1440) is explicitly designed to provide a high resolution replacement for the exact GB/GBC aspect ratio. I'm not sure what these guys think is going to be accomplished by using actual pixel size that's worth the separate effort.
[Minor correction because it’s bothering me: It’s actually 1600x1440, but the key point remains the same.]
I suspect it's plain old-fashioned techbro arrogance, where they have a whim and without bothering to ask "is there another way to do this?" Or "why might this be a bad idea?" they just run with it to a product that will fizzle and die after the early adopter rush.
The coverage of this by games outlets has been so poor. IIRC The Verge did an article on it where they just breezed past Palmer’s history too
Wow this is the first I've seen of it and you already destroyed any sense of fomo I may have had.
absolutely do not let these vultures prey on your nostalgia with this pandering-ass product
On you can get an FPGA gbc kit that plugs together easily, has a really bright and vibrant IPS screen, full cartridge compatibility, and costs like $83 including shell and buttons in your choice of colors. Even if Palmer Luckey weren't Palmer Luckey, $200 is a fuckin rip-off
I was never going to, that's just more reason not to.
All that time and money for something so aesthetically *boring*, too.
a ton of money has been spent to… make it look like a GBC screen? 🤮
so they made a GBC screen with hideous industrial design for the outer shell and it’s funded by PL? lol lmao the return and shipping policy has red flags too anyone interested could just buy a second-hand GBC instead (and do some mods!) or any of the other similarly ugly retro handheld machines
Nice to see that the troll built out of discarded Jimmy Buffet parts still wants to invest his blood money in gaming.
putting on my protective goggles to watch your ass get flamed for this
Palmer Lucky is one of the impactfully worst humans alive