Tales to Enrage

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Tales to Enrage


Everyone suspects themselves of a distinguishing physical feature, and this is mine: I am probably the tallest person you know. He/Him
I do love hearing that the far right in France were projected to do well, and the populace went "oh no they won't" and showed up to make it clear the fascists are unpopular losers.
I think that the American reflex to defy instructions is usually a bad one, but that's for things like "do not hold lit fireworks in your hand." When someone tries to tell us how to address their political figures per a system of decorum we didn't agree to, going "the fuck I am" is fine.
TFW you realize the flying guillotine is a yonic weapon.
Made sure to screenshot before nuking.
THE ANGRY SHOGUNATE COMMANDER SAYS A GHIST DISAGREES WITH YOUR VERSION OF THE EVENT (original tweet by @jason1749.bsky.social, since deleted)
I haven't been able to find it in years, but I still regularly sing to myself: "I'm like a bird/I'll only swim away/I don't know what a bird is/I don't know what a bird is"
The best things the USA have done are directly tied to the worst things we’ve done, and anyone who pretends otherwise a fool.
Saw possibly the dumbest (non-bigoted division) idea for a pop culture list ever. I feel dumber for seeing it, even though I didn’t read it.
This is a story I'd put up as a perfect example of why fans, like myself, are generally not able to understand all the things that go into making the things we love. I'm not saying that we can't understand it ever, but it's not as simple as "make game good" by a long shot. kotaku.com/tekken-8-kat...
Tekken 8 Director Is Tired Of Explaining Game Development To Demanding Fanskotaku.com I’d attend Katsuhiro Harada’s course on the business of video games
I'm not a big fan of Jim Lee's art, but he can charge what he wants for it. The dude is a DC exec and Image founder, he's not hurting for cash.
Reasons why the Stormtroopers in SW are bad shots against the heroes, in order of importance: 1. It's an adventure story, and an adventure story that ends when the fascist goons shoot down all the heroes in quick succession wouldn't be a fun time.
*moves the “days since someone said Superman is boring* counter to 0* If you know a person like this, please be kind and give them the space they need to be wrong.
There's value in studying the masters of a medium, but there's also value in noticing the flaws and shortcuts not as a score card you can ding them on, but as the simple fact that you'll never make a perfect work, and sometimes you have to choose where to be imperfect so it gets out the door.
"I ate literal shit for years and now food doesn't taste good." Bro, you did this to yourself and have no one to blame.
absolutely devastating post
The reason why Beerus is a good cat is that the 3 year old keeps hugging and laying on him, and he just lets it happen without swiping, biting, hissing or growling.
Spent this morning matching the big players in Cerebus to ATHF, as one does.
I'm grimly amused that we're finally getting Zelda as the protagonist of a game, and that she doesn't get a sword and shield....but she can CHUCK BOULDERS at enemies, This is going to be a ripped as fuck princess by the end.
Physical copies of NO-TELL MOTEL are now available for sale to the U.S. and Canada! Dive into a world of vice and try not to accuse the wrong person of murder. It would go poorly. Pick your copy up here: bannerless.games/shop
Good: Kotaku talks about the SF6 reveal in more detail than "I don't like guest characters." Nitpicking: Terry Bogard is not SNK's Ken, he is SNK's Ryu
I was working in Korea, late one night When my eyes beheld a bleary sight As my doctor from his cot began to rise And then he started cracking wise (He did the M*A*S*H) He did the army M*A*S*H (The army M*A*S*H) It was a ratings smash (He did the M*A*S*H) It caught on in a flash (He did the M*A*S*
Finally started the new season and it is clear: if you don’t love MY ADVENTURES WITH SUPERMAN, you just don’t like superheroes. Seriously, MAWS is the best show on tv. I want it to run forever. And I want a full action figure line
SISKO: This had better be good, Chief. You're interrupting my lunch. O'BRIEN: Sir, I'm getting reports that the replicators are down all over the station. Fortunately, the Crustacean delegation from Krewetka IV are lending us their chefs, but... SISKO: You're telling me a SHRIMP fried this rice?
Planting this dill but I’ve gotta be careful or it will get out of control and turn my garden into a forced labor camp.
Make a movie milder: Salo, or the 119 Days of Sodom
I'm starting to see some of the blowback about the SF6 Year 2 characters, and to be honest....I'm okay with people who aren't as thrilled. I get that the first guest characters for a mainline SF game were going to get purists upset, and it raises questions about other SF characters getting in.
all this ai bs is exclusively for losers who think they are busier and more important than they are
Absolutely hilarious how lame all this sounds www.nytimes.com/2024/06/10/t...
Me: Hehe, is there a Tragic Sans font Also me: That joke was probably made the moment that font was revealed. Me again:....Tragicomic Sans? Me: Slightly more original, but still bad.
"If we jump to hyperspace now we can still warn the Senate! Punch it, D1P-SH1T!" [D1P-SH1T accidentally backs the Nebula Kite into a cafe before fumbling the outside intercom on and shouting Rodian slurs]