
The Pod Save guys calling on Biden to resign are so fucking funny. Just a bunch of Obama speech writers who every week interview Democratic Party insiders and also occasionally Biden himself being like “wow holy smokes folks we just now noticed this oh jeez golly!” lol eat shit
Of course to be fair I guess he’s listening to his good friend of the pod on this matter
Just fundamentally I will not listen to anyone saying there’s a crisis if they themselves are complicit in the crisis they’re pretending to just now be aware of
Pod didn’t even save America, that also means they’re a bunch of dang liars
My favourite thing about Pod Save America is that it's a play on an expression that doesn't exist
[Obama voice] Favs, uhhhhhh, let me be clear, you’re uhhh… you’re scaring the hoes Favs
finally, more #content to consume between ads for coffee, books, and better help.
Anyone who listens to Pod Save… at this point is the saddest limpdick simp.
I'm done at this point. Besides, haven't had the time or energy to listen to a bunch of podcasts for a while anyway.
jon acting like he didnt have years to start saying this
This whole episode is so fucking absurd. Just manufacturing new narratives every five goddamned minutes
Telling anyone who didn't want genocide in Palestine to shut the fuck up because the grownups are talking and it was essential not to change horses midstream; now, of course, it's a few more months too late to change without looking cretinous. And making Trump look healthier and smarter.
as a former fan i'm disappointed because they were a guiding light during the Trump years and their GOTV stuff has done good work. but now they're just the left's podcaster influencer network. I mean Lovett even went on Survivor earlier this year for two months ffs, they're unserious!
Wait Lovett was on Survivor? lol what the fuck
not to drag a dude doing a reality show (i'd totally take a sabbatical and do The Mole) but /now/, during this year? and then get a PROFILE about it?
Made funnier(pathetically/hypocritically) by the fact that Mark Burnett is largely responsible for Trump getting elected
That's kind of who they always were. They don't really care and never did, they just kind of feel bad for not caring that much.
Two things: 1) Not enough people blamed Biden for Palestine to make that possible. The other side of the same coin is that no likely replacement would be much better on Palestine. 2) Lots of people care about Biden's age and ability to vigorously counter Trump. Switching would address that.
Tell me, who's the one person to beat Trump in a presidential election, again?
You mean barely beat by a small margin across a few states? Just telling you why the two situations are different.
Yes, I know Trump barely squeaked into power the first time by winning electoral votes on a tighter-than-razor-thin margin in a few states. That's never been under question.
I haven't listened to today's episode yet, though I listened to the one from just after the debate. Do they explicitly say he should drop out, or do they just telegraph extreme worry and say it's a question that has to be seriously considered?
I’d love to have the answer to that question but I cannot possibly listen to their podcast
More the second than the first.
the time to consider it was 4 1/2 years ago.
They did a debate. It is a little silly how surprised they were, but weren't we all a little surprised? I think most party loyalists right now would still be very comfortable with a second Biden term, but the concern is with the new optics driving away voters. Seems like a valid concern to me
man it would've been real nice if they figured this shit out four years ago before they gaslit everyone into thinking Biden is the only safe candidate
I think it’s important to keep this in mind about the pod save crew
Like not because of this but just like cuz of their everything in general, I think of Obama whipped it out and told the entire pod save crew to suck it they would without even a moments hesitation
I think framing this as a hypothetical is being extremely generous to them
I don't think they were able get Biden during the 2020 primary (got just about everyone else) and I think they're still mad about it.
Thank you for saying this LOUDLY. All these chicken pluckers are full of shit right now.
liberals consolidating power behind centrists: yes! haha yes! liberals when those centrists turn out to hated: no!! what the fuck!!! this sucks!!!
Since I never miss the chance Someone once said that the west wing inspired people in the Obama admin and I said “yeah that is painfully obvious” and they didn’t like it Anyway I think we were both taking about these guys 😂
🤔Is Biden the best choice by the DNC to nominate in August & ✨WIN✨in November is the 🔥ONLY🔥 question going forward. Context: HRC in 2016.