
I get that "liberals" has become the strawman argument over the last 8 years and it's not always wrong but this is a direct result of Trump putting on three Supreme Court justices
Why didn’t voting for the lesser evil stop this? And other questions for the liberal mind
Anyway looking forward to being called a liberal or whatever on bluesky lol the left is great at building coalitions with people who agree with 98% of their beliefs! Not just a scene at all!
Obama let Mitch McConnell jack his SCOTUS pick without a fight, RBG clung to hers until she was dead when there was a strategic window they could have replaced her. The DNC has been playing to lose for a very long time.
I do. Republican senate majority let that happen which means it’s once again, people not voting for the lesser evil.
Not much Obama could do. Democrat senate majority totes made Nixon pick again twice when he put forward segregationist judges. Don’t lose majority is the best thing we can promote rn.
How exactly does the DNC have any power over RBG retiring? How does Obama fight McConnell other than going to a podium to complain about how racist he is?
there's nothing they could do for 8 years under Obama, nothing they could do now under Biden, but if we vote for them just this ONE. LAST. TIME....
So you can’t answer those simple questions huh.
What did you expect the president who doesn’t have house or senate majority to do?
Please clarify, are you under the impression that RBG was a member of the DNC?
If only voters didn’t choose a Republican senate majority.
More lefties could have helped and voted for Hilary Clinton! There were 3 picks right there.
Republicans thrive because they’ll hold their nose and vote for literally anyone that has an R next to their name, and yet there are so many people on the left that will allow this country to get decimated because someone is 2% off from their own beliefs. Infuriating.