
Once you start letting bad people define and box in femininity and womanhood and who is "allowed" to be a woman do you think they're ever going to stop?
In light of the Labour manifesto: Trans rights _are_ women's rights. I don't mean that in a "Trans Rights Are Human Rights" way, I mean that anti-trans policies are inevitably harmful to all women (as women), and, conversely, that trans-positive norms are a proximal boon to women.
Or any people, really. Let people transition. Let people be what they want to be. Let people live the lives that make them happy and harm no one. For fuck's sake it's their own bodies. Subsidize that shit and let people transition as much as they like. Go full kemmer imo
Btw autocorrect horrifyingly tried to change kemmer to Jenner
I woke up thinking I should make this point again. I say it all the time but I feel like I should say it more. The last decade of information manipulation has been godawful, and there were certain groups of people (NOT the high-profile white "disinfo experts") who stepped up and threw in to help
They gave it their all and we fought this mess together, and we are still fighting. Those groups were made up of a lot of different people but mainly they were people who weren't white, and furries, and trans people. I swore up and down that if we ever got out of this mess I would forever give
credit where it was due, and trans folks stepped up alongside the furry contingent and helped gather and debunk harmful disinformation. You know who couldn't be bothered at all? TERFs. Not one single one did anything but double down on their own bullshit in the name of "facts" and "feminism"
So I know where I will forever stand, and with whom: the courageous people who fight with me and for me and for a better world for us all
And it’s so important to remember that Shafiqah Hudson, one of the first people out there to spot a disinfo campaign and build an organic, effective response against it, died alone, hungry, unpaid, and terrified while the big names were doing fine
💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 fucking makes me SICK when I see smug, self congratulatory shit from the people who can afford the PR to anoint themselves experts in the field, and yet they do nothing to fight the filthy influence and disinformation campaigns still plaguing us all and instead legitimize them
Also notable is that, perhaps unsurprisingly, the big “skeptics” of the aughts, the people whose whole identity was based around their dislike of bad information and debunking“irrationalism” were not only silent, but often took the side of those doing the most to push disinformation.
Haha yeah so many of those assholes just always wanted to feel like they were the smartest ones in the room
that era of 'skeptics' and 'New Atheists' comprised such repugnant jerks that I literally stopped using either the term skeptic or atheist to describe myself even though of course they accurately continue to do so
I feel like a lot of people read Robery Anton Wilson's the New Inquisition or Prometheus Rising but didn't quite get the most important part...
That "brand" of atheism repulsed me back when I was still religious-but-doubting, because the whole thing was basically "not believing proves I am smart." At this point I'm trans and faithless and I still feel justified in never having liked those dudes.
Yep, TERFs destroyed their families, alienated children in whatever midlife crises had them riding the coattails of demagoguery to "soothe" their fragile spirits. Living embodiments of disinfo. Born-again "activists" want all the clout, with none of the difficult self-work and time investment.