
Jesus fucking Christ look at this shit
“Chances are, you’re never ever going to have to use this. If you do, it’s gonna be scary,” trauma nurse Kate Carleton told the 8- and 9-year-olds. “But because we’ve taught you what to do, it makes it a little less scary.”
Born from the tragedy of gun violence, this program teaches children how to stop a wound from bleeding out | “Stop the Bleed” turns bystanders — even young children — into immediate responders by teaching them to pack a wound and use a tourniquet.
Americans, are you really okay with this?
I'm American too btw, I just sometimes (often) feel like I'm the only horrified one for miles around
It really is a choice but so many have been bamboozled into thinking guns means freedom and any law to do with them is tyranny. I did the math once - Canada and the US are almost exactly the same, even when it comes to violent crime. Except homicide. If you had our homicide rate 16k/year would live.
You are not the only one horrified. Idk what to do about it sometimes, but.
I’m with you. This stuff and “run/hide/fight” trainings are the most salient signs of our nation’s unwillingness to do *anything* practical to decrease gun violence. We’d rather traumatize kids and hope they can be field medics.
I'm still haunted by our local mass shooting at my grocery store. The hardest thing I've ever covered.
I am sickened, saddened, and geographically adjacent. ... What "we" are willing to accept as normal, is so far beyond the pale. We really work overtime in normalizing mass violence. :(
Funny enough, I think first-aid skills are great to teach to kids, but so that they can like go play in the woods and shit safely, which any parent would have CPS called on them for letting them do today.
Totally agree with you, it's the underlying reasoning that is just so devastating
There’s first aid training and then there’s this.
we had a kid in my son's first grade class threaten to bring a gun to school and shoot a little girl that lives across the street from us. school tried to cover it up. we are so incredibly fucked.
p.s. this is the reason i'll never apologize for pulling my kids from public school and going private. this was supposed to be the best public elementary school in the city.
this is fucking nuts! has the US ever not systemically traumatized children?
it was pretty brutal. they didn't even suspend the kid or anything. we got a generic "we investigated and found no wrongdoing" and only heard about it because it happened to our neighbor and in my son's class.
that is super fucked. the lack of transparency is so incriminating. like, what the fuck else are you not saying to parents? my heart breaks for parents of the US. y’all should never ever have to even consider this as a reality
jfc illumi in 1989 I was expelled(!!) from a high school for having a pot pipe and the satanic bible in my back pack fucking insane that kid got nothing
“… no wrongdoing…” demands that we very seriously question whatever ethical standing is claimed by the people making this declaration.
Did they get social services for him? What kind of life leads a child that tiny to that?!
if they did, they did not inform us of it. they apparently weren't required and didn't feel the need to share any further details.
Having an 8 year old do trauma care is as close to socialised medicine as most Americans will get
This is a joke and it is decidedly unfunny. (Not criticizing you; am criticizing our society)
Brooke, I have been protesting and donating and voting and petitioning and writing about this for almost 40 years I am not okay! most people in the US want different gun policies than we have! but the political structure blocks meaningful change it is incredibly depressing 😔
I know, I'm very sorry I included all the good people I know in that, it was unfair and I'm just shocked by so much today
oh, I wasn’t offended! it’s just that I know how much work people are putting into turning the death train around and it’s completely disheartening that it doesn’t seem to make any difference
From a legal perspective, what’s so maddening about all of this is that itstems from the Supreme Court’s invention of an individual right to own a gun, the laws that existed in the very recent past did reflect what people thought was reasonable, such as no military style weapons
The only people benefiting from this new right are the ones selling the products, just about any adult who wanted a handgun or shotgun for personal protection could’ve had one, the people who think they’re going to be able to take on the government are in for quite a shock when the drones come in
"Completely Disheartening: My Life Combatting Misinformation" should be the title of your autobiography, Brooke. 😔
They were smart & over decades made it impossible for people to survive w/o a job so when things got horrible we couldn’t call a general strike or protest for days, weeks, years. Every time we figure out a way to fight back they do everything to take it away. No one is okay, they’re just trapped
Also I know you know I was trying to sympathize bc I also feel helpless and furious.
No, but my government isn’t responsive to public opinion
I am in favor of everyone knowing intermediate to advanced first aid, including kids of ~9, & this qualifies as the latter. THAT SAID, the principal reason kids are being taught this specific skill is wholly unacceptable. It feels pointless to fight the doing-nothing people in power, but we must.
It doesn't feel pointless at all. I have ideas 🥰
This is priceless... which means I'm not paying you for this. 🫠
I need to come sit by you, clearly, because even the thought of trebuchets into the sun doesn’t feel effective and usually that cheers me right up
getting into "that shit does not look good printed out on paper" territory.
Didn't have kids, and my siblings were out of school before this so I haven't seen it directly, but I grew up with air raid drills where nuclear terrorism between the Russians and Americans was going to kill us all, and sitting in the hallway with our heads covered as a defense was obvious bullshit.
We climbed under our desks and covered our heads because the nukes wouldn't vaporize us that way apparently
If the blast from the shockwave didn't kill us we had the radiation to look forward to.
Fun fact: the radiation risk was probably overplayed! What actually would've killed us was starvation and illnesses from improper sanitation. Once water stops being treated and folks stop washing their hands, cholera comes back FAST.
But what about the open bleeding wounds that won't heal?