Bryan Blessed

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Bryan Blessed

Lapsed Glaswegian / born again Berliner (and a comely lad of virtue true). Bertie the cat's best pal.
This is an amazing photograph from today's State Opening of Parliament, as PM Keith Stormer approaches Emperor Chuck 3 accompanied, as is tradition, by Hairy Ian and Lord Millsy. Say what you like about the preposterousness of the pomp of British politics, nobody does tradition quite like the UK.x
"We now return to our scheduled episode of 'Friends', and it's the one where Günther has a sore ear..."
O Captain! my Captain!
I'm not sure what good having segmented triangular Swiss chocolate bars in the rehearsal rooms is going to do, but it's nice that they're making an effort.
Is there any way to mute all American politics? Like, entirely. Not on here. I mean in real life, generally.
"Majestic" doesn't even come close to doing this beast justice.x
I genuinely feel bad for my English peeps. I'm still working through my PTSD from the opening game if I'm brutally honest with you, so heck alone knows how losing in the final feels.X
It's now crucially important that the British press apportion blame as quickly as possible.
That was a pretty good wee goal, tbqhwy.
The "Kane is destined to win nothing" prophesy remains undefeated.
Could the wee royal George kid not have been allowed to wear a football top instead of being dressed up like a 1950s freemason?
No one told me the Sugababes were playing at the Fan Mile?! If I'd known that I'd have decided not to go down to the Brandenburg Gate much sooner.
Yer da hopes Sam Matterface is doing the commentary on ITV tonight.
Even on an historic day for bad takes, this is quite special.
DEI expert. 🧐
When I say this, it's absolutely not for comic effect; we *really* need to -somehow- address the phenomenon of people who may well be suffering from serious personality disorders getting into positions of real power.
Truss blames Sunak ‘trashing my record’ for Tory election Former prime minister says Conservative candidates have ‘paid the electoral price’ for her successor’s errors
Each to their own but if I was marrying a Russell Brand-agram in a no-expense-spared tacktravaganza, I wouldn't be inviting Tonty Blair, Boris Johnson and the Windows Vista guy. I'd be inviting the likes of Sparks, the one from Black Lace who's alive and Grotbags.
Seems to be an awful lot of people in their 80s and 90s dying these days. Someone should look into it.
Reposted byAvatar Bryan Blessed
Gargamel says Smurf cookbook prepared by his closest allies isn't for him.
Least convincing denial since Shaggy swore it wasn't him.
Just accidentally scrolled through the Discover tab again, gang.x
I like to engage in a bit of Scotch versus Engerlandish ribbing as much as the next madlad *but* the absolute fucking state of this tho...
On BBC News in particular tho, as someone who works in International Development and travels to a lot of places most people would perhaps prefer not to, I cannot overstate how important the BBC World Service remains. It's the ultimate soft power and degrading that was a special kind of stupid.
One of the many irritating things about the last nine years has been the whining of “this country is not America! Why are people so obsessed with America!” while casually destroying the thing that makes most UK-distinct cultural output because they didn’t like BBC News.
Reposted byAvatar Bryan Blessed
We're not your mother's People Magazine!
Cilla was just Dusty Springfield for cunts. #TotP
That's not a falsetto. That's a legitetto. Brother must have a bulldog clip on his tackle. That's commitment. You'd not get that from your Fred Sheerans. #TotP
Easy like Sunday morning? Sunday morning is difficult as fuck. It has a Krypton Factor of 9.5 FFS. #TotP
Reposted byAvatar Bryan Blessed
How is this not a Carpenters song? Anyway. Our Lord Jesus Christ was a carpenter, wasn't he? He died for our sins. He'd probably work in IKEA these days. We used to be a country.x #TotP
Reposted byAvatar Bryan Blessed
And once again, as we tick on into Friday evening, it’s time for the lampshade to hand over to LWT for the weekend.