Justin Fox

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Justin Fox


Columnist @opinion.bsky.social
Reposted byAvatar Justin Fox
Dug into this further and I mean, wow. Data is through 6/16 of each year. SF is on pace for record low violent crime of all types except for assault; motor vehicle theft the only outlier, but even that is down 18% YoY.
Oh just checking in on out-of-control crime in San Francisco
Oh just checking in on out-of-control crime in San Francisco
Americans are moving less. Everybody knows that. But the decline in interstate mobility ended a while ago. It's local moves that keep getting rarer www.bloomberg.com/opinion/arti...
Reposted byAvatar Justin Fox
What the SW border numbers look like if you factor in estimates of how many people got past the Border Patrol. (New outside-the-paywall column) www.bloomberg.com/opinion/arti...
Payroll employment change since Feb. 2020, in NYC and some other places www.bloomberg.com/opinion/arti...
How about this chart? It's in a new column on the changing economics of birth rates (gift link) www.bloomberg.com/opinion/arti...
We just did our annual @opinion.bsky.social Biden metrics piece in advance of SOTU, and I'm proud to announce that I was once again in charge of MURDER www.bloomberg.com/graphics/202...
Yes, some famous rich people left, but California's share of the nation's millionaires (taxpayers with adjusted gross income of $1 million or more) went *up* from tax year 2019 to tax year 2021 (New column with gift link) www.bloomberg.com/opinion/arti...
Reposted byAvatar Justin Fox
Median Street Tree diameter vs Median Household Income for New York City’s NTA-level neighborhoods. The relationship is strongest in the Bronx; in Manhattan you have rich tree-lined UES and UWS neighborhoods, but also wealthy mid- and lower-Manhattan neighborhoods where planting isn’t possible.
How New York's income tax receipts are holding up relative to the feds'. The state raised taxes for top earners in 2021; the pass-through entity tax is an alternative to the personal income tax for partnerships and S-corporations looking to avoid the SALT cap www.bloomberg.com/opinion/arti...
Reposted byAvatar Justin Fox
This is when I boast that I not only have a Cold War-era rotary phone from Ukraine on my desk but that my house has an internal phone system so my kids can call each others’ rooms.
Reposted byAvatar Justin Fox
On the eve of the 2nd anniversary of Putin blowing a fuse, my latest/first for @heatmap.news, on how The Ukraine War Blew Up the World’s Energy Economy, and why the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act is surprisingly well-designed to deal with the fallout. Hint: fossilflation heatmap.news/economy/ukra...
The Ukraine War Blew Up the World’s Energy Economyheatmap.news And the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act is surprisingly well-designed to deal with the fallout.
Life this year at Harvard (technically satire, but ...) www.thecrimson.com/column/a-sch...
Reposted byAvatar Justin Fox
Rather insane thing that happened: someone emailed me asking for a link to my TedX talk, which they remembered but could no longer find. When I wrote back to say I had never done a TedX talk, they replied with an extensive summary of this non-existent talk, generated by ChatGPT, offered as proof.
A very large salmon-colored chart (of 2023 violent crime in major US cities) for BlueSky www.bloomberg.com/opinion/arti...
New Occupational Requirements Survey just dropped www.bls.gov/news.release...
Reposted byAvatar Justin Fox
this is my lesbian aunt barbra after we told her there's no more riesling in the fridge on thanksgiving
Reposted byAvatar Justin Fox
A corollary: Nearly every person who is against congestion pricing. Whatever they say their reasons are, it all boils down to "How dare you charge me for something I'm used to getting for free?"
Every post opposing traffic cameras boils down to "they work too well at catching motorists breaking the law"
Reposted byAvatar Justin Fox
Reposted byAvatar Justin Fox
have I written a whole article about how the law protects press institutions’ freedom at the expense of their workers and the public, yes I have, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4354014
Many publications have misguided policies that restrict the civic participation of their journalists on the spurious logic that such actions would jeopardize the publication’s reputation & veneer of neutrality—outcomes that are always more frequently & efficiently achieved by publishing hot garbage.
The Ideology of Press Freedompapers.ssrn.com This Article offers a critical account of the law of press freedom. American law and political culture laud the press as an institution that plays a vital role
Reposted byAvatar Justin Fox
It’s a little known punk fact that the Clash also fought international law, but no one could work out who won due to a lack of reliable multilateral enforcement mechanisms, so everyone just argued about it based on their subjective normative analysis. It was an unincorporated b-side.
You: “I’ve been under the weather for a few weeks.” Eilardus Westerlo, pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church in Albany:
Reposted byAvatar Justin Fox
Highly endorse this - it’s been a wonderful history of labor econ and industrial relations. And amazing snippets. Solow and his wife Barbara Lewis met in an undergrad class on Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy taught by Schumpeter and Sweezy. What a time…
See if your neighborhood has made the list! (Of Public Use Microdata Areas with the highest WFH share in 2022) www.bloomberg.com/opinion/arti...