Cadia Creations 🟨⬜πŸŸͺ⬛

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Cadia Creations 🟨⬜πŸŸͺ⬛

Overimaginative Creator of art/games/TTRPG content+
BLM. ACAB. I stand with πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ
On the streets of Paradise a pair of dice paralyze us
Poked my nose into Outer Worlds again and I forgot that the ship is basically "we have Serenity at home" and your first two crewmates are a pastor that's hiding something and an awkward engineer who loves to use buffyspeak.
It's still a marvel that Crime Boss: Rockay City even exists, but I kind of love the devs going "yeah, okay, our release wasn't that good but we still like the game, so - it's $20, there's an update every month with new content, all DLC is free." Like it's actually a solid stupid fun roguelike now?
Someone make a new feed that's "people getting pissed at robots" but it's not about AI, drones, or cop shit, it's just little statements like this one.
Let me be very clear, I am angry at this robot because this stupid motherfucking robot deserves it!
Very happy with this level of posting that literally came to me in a dream
Asking a polycule which one of them is the rare, the uncommon, and the common Asking a polycule for their tier list Asking a polycule which one of them was DLC Asking a polycule how many gacha pulls it took to get them all together Asking a polycule to line up in order of evolution stage
I had no idea that The Film Reroll TTRPG podcast dropped part one of Tremors yesterday and I'm already laughing my head off at Chang's three-mile long general store. (Explanation: The GM used the wrong scale on the hex map so all the buildings are MASSIVE)
Pride Parade in Bangkok today. Snapped these from the car. ❀️I'd love to help organize it next year☺️The feeling of seeing people celebrate Pride is so bolstering
Asking a polycule which one of them is the rare, the uncommon, and the common Asking a polycule for their tier list Asking a polycule which one of them was DLC Asking a polycule how many gacha pulls it took to get them all together Asking a polycule to line up in order of evolution stage
Listening to Tribulation Farce this morning and thinking it would be really funny to start referring to Christianity as "a splinter sect of Judaism". xD
If someone could go back and tell my high school self that the reason they always bought oversized shirts is because they're nonbinary and they know even back then that their body felt wrong, that would be nice thank you.
Hey if I have a picture of an actor petting my dog is that one degree of separation or two, because I think I have some decent connections here.
Dimension 20: Never Stop Blowing Up premieres later today, I'm so excited.
*reads the new Questionable Content* ...JEPH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS TIME??
Okay so this system actually kind of rocks? I'm not sure how much of it is the authors, the Tri-Stat system itself, or the attempt to emulate both an older TTRPG and BESM, but it's got several cool ideas that I'm loving. Very good balance between crunchiness and freeform GM interpretation, too.
I found this buried in a game store today and they let it go for $5. πŸ‘€ I'm going to play it, not resell it, but it's cool to me that I got my hands on something that's apparently pretty rare.
I found this buried in a game store today and they let it go for $5. πŸ‘€ I'm going to play it, not resell it, but it's cool to me that I got my hands on something that's apparently pretty rare.
I used to call this "the card game problem". If you're going to merchandise, you need a bunch of little guys in the background to make into toys, Lego figures, or to have enough cards for your eventual CCG. When I was younger I would just take all those screenshots and slap them onto MtG cards.
To be clear, this is a feature, not a bug. Fiction gets tedious when everything needs to have an explanation. The Star Wars fandom is weirdly obsessed with giving literally everything a whole damn backstory, but some things are better when they're left to just be.
On #FreeRPGDay I want to point at some of my free stuff you can grab! First, Fortune Favors the Bold, a one-page, 6d6 TTRPG for quickly playing elaborate heists, dangerous delves, and exciting explorations!
Fortune Favors the Bold by Cadia A one-page RPG about treasure hunting.
Nice to see that is giving away 1st edition PDFs of #StarTrekAdventures for #FreeRPGDay tomorrow. Between that and their free mission briefs, I hope more people get to play around with their own strange new worlds and new civilizations.
GPT-5 will tell you that your back problems are exclusively due to your weight and not because of your prior back injuries.
New version of chatbot reaches level of function where it responds to all queries by making a little twisty-wrist gesture with pinched fingers and saying β€œBut isn’t it more *complicated* than that?”
if you're reading this, there is a greater than 90 percent chance that you *will* live to see a robot twerk don't hide your face from the future
I have no idea what's going on over at that side of bsky and I think it might be better that way.
I really hate how often I find a life sim that looks interesting only to find buried ten pages deep into their FAQ/wiki pages the phrase "this game does not allow same-gender relationships". How in the world is The Sims STILL more inclusive than most life sims from the last decade?
if you're disappointed by zelda not getting a sword in her new game might i suggest giving kitsune tails a look because we have a literal disaster sword lesbian in the main cast:
Kitsune Explore the complicated relationships between kitsune and humans in this platforming follow up to Super Bernie World.
Fuck, man. Even as an enby I *feel* that first paragraph. I got so worried that people wouldn't understand or would treat me differently that I'd just.. be as unoffending as possible.
Cross-resharing, much less from Tumblr, is rarely something I do, but I saw this sappy thing about transfem feelings and getting over the self-deprivation that egg life was and it kinda hit me, so now y'all have to see it too: Ending applies to t4t relationships, btw.
Finally got around to throwing your amazing art onto a 3D model!
"Your therapy bots aren’t licensed psychologists, your AI girlfriends are neither girls nor friends, your griefbots have no soul, and your AI copilots are not gods." is so good holy shit
The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil.
I swear my favorite part of being involved in game dev is the bugs. So far Course of Temptation has had: - Assless Joggers - Showers that teleport you - Showers that lock you inside - Dimension-hopping Professors - 3 Students that follow you everywhere - NPCs that change gender between updates