
i think talk therapy might be a benefit to me at this current point in my life but i would rather gnaw off my own leg than experience the process of attempting to find a therapist
I'm at the fun point where I have a therapist, but we've gotten comfortable enough with each other for me to realize we have entirely incompatible worldviews and all his advice is actively useless to me. da best.
I’m not sure how I feel about therapy anymore when my therapist’s big advice was just “smoke weed and get laid”
Seems your therapist might he going through a mid life crisis lol
I decided I want to start therapy for a bunch of reasons, one substantial one of which is that I feel like I've lost a great deal of my motivation. The difficult process of finding and selecting a therapist has thus resulted in one of the great ironies of my life.
It’s worse than dating bc the only way to make it work is to go all-in emotionally from the start instead of getting to know someone “naturally”
I used Psychology Today to find one and I found it pretty easy.
Absolutely the worst and hardest part
It is super hard and I'm having trouble w/ that rn too... if you talk to ur PCP they can give you a referral or a list of places to go in ur area. You don't have to even go to those places but it's a good start.
I somewhat recently went through this and it wasn’t too bad. Took a long time between not looking and looking, and a long time between finding some therapists and actually reaching out, and then finally picking one and being happy with my choice.
As someone who is currently trying to find a therapist I get it
God yes. "Hey I could use some help" "sorry wait-list is closed! Try again next decade, or try these people that don't take your insurance and will cost half your income if you're lucky!"
i do my own therapy & counselling because mental healthcare here in ”ontario“ is narcissistic drivel, like everything else, and i cant afford anything anyways due to the death sentence of ODSP
I found it was much less traumatic to just buy an "Undiagnosed, but I'm Pretty Sure" ballcap to wave off anyone who was considering talking to me.
im going through this again & i think walking into the ocean would fix me
Many years ago the American-only group called 211 dot org helped me find a really nice therapist. And it was 'sliding scale' too so I only paid what I could. It's hard to define 211, but they are good people.
You want the name of my coach? She’s nice, chatty, reasonably priced.
My insurance makes it such a slog, and it's so infuriating. You have to constantly follow up because they never call back. They'll authorize using a third party therapist since no one's available. Then you start the process over with a vendor. Someone is reaching out for help, help them!
My doc has encouraged this to me but you've summarized my feelings after trying to find one