Canada Truth

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Canada Truth

Celebrating truth, justice, and compassion in Canada.
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SCOTUS overrules Chevron, a massive blow to the ability of federal agencies to function. The familiar 6–3, with Roberts writing for the majority
Far-right extremists and conspiracy theorists have latched on to anti-trans bigotry as a tool to cause friction and advance their agendas, with related hate crimes increasing 64% in 2023 (source: Statistics Canada). This bigotry is fueled by lies about LGBTQ people and families. 1/N
We've said it before, and we'll say it again: denying lifesaving healthcare to children is morally reprehensible and factually indefensible. These decisions belong to families and doctors, not politicians and bigots. #Canada #Pride #CdnPoli #GenderAffirmingCare #TransRights
With some provinces moving to bar children from accessing lifesaving gender-affirming care, it's crucial to listen to medical professionals and families rather than fearmongering politicians. #Pride2024 #CdnPoli #GenderAffirmingCare
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Over the past decade, the share of gas-fired electricity in China’s power mix has remained at just 3%, while the share of wind & solar has quadrupled to 16%. Growth of renewables has contributed more than gas to a reduction in coal’s market share to 61%.
LNG is not displacing coal in China's power mix | Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is often pitched as a transition fuel that can help countries reduce coal usage amid the switch to renewable energy. However, evidence from China, the world’s largest coal ...
This decay in trust in representative institutions is alarming, but it is also very interesting that implementing institutions have reversed the trend. Thank you for this fascinating analysis.
We* find that trust in "representative" institutions has been declining by ~10 p.p. among democracies since 1990, but trust in "implementing" institutions has been rising! *I,, Gerry Stoker,,, Lawrence McKay & Andrew Klassen
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The number of extreme fires had risen by more than 10x in the past 20 years in temperate conifer forests, such as in the western US & Mediterranean. It has increased by 7x in the vast boreal forests in Europe & Canada. Australia was also a hotspot.
Climate crisis driving exponential rise in most extreme Scientists warn of ‘scary’ feedback loop in which fires create more heating, which causes more fires worldwide
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A great newspaper is not one that has a section on climate change; it's one where climate change is in every section.
One of the reasons we encourage people to use Bluesky: the algorithmic incentives on this site skew in a more positive direction as contrasted with most of the top social media platforms.
"On an average day, a financially motivated clickbait site is populated with celebrity news, cute animals, or highly emotional stories, all reliable drivers of traffic. Then, when political turmoil strikes, they drift toward hyperpartisan news, misinfo, & outrage bait bc it gets more engagement”
How Facebook and Google fund global The tech giants are paying millions of dollars to the operators of clickbait pages, bankrolling the deterioration of information ecosystems around the world.
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"On an average day, a financially motivated clickbait site is populated with celebrity news, cute animals, or highly emotional stories, all reliable drivers of traffic. Then, when political turmoil strikes, they drift toward hyperpartisan news, misinfo, & outrage bait bc it gets more engagement”
How Facebook and Google fund global The tech giants are paying millions of dollars to the operators of clickbait pages, bankrolling the deterioration of information ecosystems around the world.
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Deniers and profiteers are vastly overrepresented in the media, giving an outsize impression of their reach. In reality, the world is overwhelmingly united in the desire for bold action to address the climate crisis quickly.
"The poll questioned 75,000 people in countries representing almost 90% of the global population. It found a large majority (80%) wanted their countries to strengthen their climate change commitments, with only 5% saying their country should weaken its action."
Most people in petrostates want quick switch to clean energy, UN poll Largest ever climate survey also finds majority want countries to set aside differences to fight global heating
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"The poll questioned 75,000 people in countries representing almost 90% of the global population. It found a large majority (80%) wanted their countries to strengthen their climate change commitments, with only 5% saying their country should weaken its action."
Most people in petrostates want quick switch to clean energy, UN poll Largest ever climate survey also finds majority want countries to set aside differences to fight global heating
A big victory in the fight against #Greenwashing and oil-funded disinformation.
The Pathways Alliance, a coalition of Canada's six largest fossil fuel producers, scrubbed its website and social media channels on Wednesday. All that remained was a terse statement blaming the decision on Bill C-59. #cdnpoli
Canada's push against greenwashing is Efforts to stop companies from spreading misinformation in Canada about their impact on the climate and environment appear to be taking hold.
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The Pathways Alliance, a coalition of Canada's six largest fossil fuel producers, scrubbed its website and social media channels on Wednesday. All that remained was a terse statement blaming the decision on Bill C-59. #cdnpoli
Canada's push against greenwashing is Efforts to stop companies from spreading misinformation in Canada about their impact on the climate and environment appear to be taking hold.
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A key tactic of extremists & disinformation outlets is to inflame tensions, spark conflict, and erode trust. When civil society is fractured, extreme voices have more sway. The good news: the antidote to extremism is inclusivity and strong relationships. Strong communities have strong immunity.
They knew. They lied. When the oil and gas industry tries to insist that they need time to transition, remind them that we *had* time. We didn't lose it; we didn't waste it. They stole it. And now we're all paying for it. #CarbonCosts
Lately, journalists have asked if scientists didn't warn us enough, or didn't know how bad climate change would be. Scientists did their jobs. It's fossil fuel companies who lied about climate impacts FOR DECADES. They're to blame for these heat waves.
‘Smoking gun proof’: fossil fuel industry knew of climate danger as early as 1954, documents Documents show industry-backed Air Pollution Foundation uncovered the severe harm climate change would wreak
Forced to show proof of their sustainability claims, the oil and gas lobby scrubbed their "net zero" website instead. Do you know who didn't have to scrub their sites? Climate scientists and renewable energy companies. Facts matter. #CarbonCosts #Greenwashing
Burning fossil fuels drives extreme heat and bigger, more damaging wildfires. These extreme events will grow more common and more severe until carbon pollution is drastically curtailed. Until then, life will get hotter, harder, and more expensive. It's that simple. #CarbonCosts
Prolonged, record-breaking heat is on the way for an area of the country that has largely avoided it so far, wildfire risks are rising in parts of the West and bathtub-warm water could fuel the first tropical depression of the Atlantic hurricane season.
Extreme summer weather kicks into overdrive next week in the US | Summer technically starts next week and will show the US what it’s capable of in a world warming due to fossil fuel pollution and without El Niño.
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Information is a tool, and getting the facts right aren't enough - to win progress, we must understand how to frame a narrative. Check out this informative workshop next week!
Ever feel our movements are often on the defensive? Pushing back against ridiculous narratives, only to be faced with another one... On Tuesday, June 18th we'll talk about this and what to do about it. VIRTUAL EVENT 👇
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Ever feel our movements are often on the defensive? Pushing back against ridiculous narratives, only to be faced with another one... On Tuesday, June 18th we'll talk about this and what to do about it. VIRTUAL EVENT 👇
Darryl Tedjuk lives in Tuktoyaktuk, a fishing village on the shores of the Arctic Ocean. #ClimateChange is disrupting Darryl's way of life, making the ice thin and unsafe for hunting and raising sea levels. The crisis is now. Action can't wait. #EmissionsCap #CarbonCosts
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Fossil fuels cause climate change. But the fossil fuel industry spends big to try to hide the damage their products cause. This #Greenwashing can take many forms. Outright denying the crisis has become untenable due to decades of overwhelming evidence; but greenwashing goes on.
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This chart shows annual hours of smoke-filled skies in Calgary from 1953 to 2023. As the first wildfire smoke of the 2024 season blew in this week, it's hard to convey the sadness it elicited in a lot of folks. There's a growing realization this is our new reality. And a genuine sense of mourning.