Candice Bradley

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Candice Bradley

Executive Producer: Chronology | Author-Illustrator | Publishers: Scholastic, Simon & Schuster, Abrams & Appleseed | rep’d by Lindsay Auld of Writers House
Your art had to pass through the soul, imagination, and experiences that make up who you are, before it came into this world. I wish you knew how significant that is. What it means for someone to behold what you created.
The front of that book might have two names on it—the author and illustrator—but there is an entire team behind, not just the making of the book, but the direction, design, and shaping of both words and art. #kidlit
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
As a picture book illustrator, I often have no contact with the author, especially while the book is being made. All correspondence goes through the art director or sometimes the editor. And it works out fine, because everyone is professional & trusts each other to do their jobs. #kidlit
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
Yes, you can "write" with pictures. Although the occasional comics writer is *very* descriptive about the art, the artist adds a significant amount of storytelling (to the point that if communication isn't good, can create a different meaning than intended) same for colors & letters; it's all story.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
To our fathers and father figures. Thank you ❤️ #kidlitart
Hi #kidlit friends, I’m Kaitlyn, a kidlit agent who adores #picturebooks and #middlegrade especially! I’m always up for awesome #kidlitart too - so much magic in it!
Reading this? Kidlit? Reintroduce yourself specifically for the new #kidlit MEGA feed ( Hi! My name is Brian LaRossa. I’m an executive art director at Scholastic, overseeing Branches, Acorn, nonfiction series, and many titles for Orchard Books. 💙❤️
Love this! My daughter totally plays on her dad like a jungle gym too
Honor is not just an outward acknowledgment. Honor shows up in how we respect one another’s stories. How we handle the voices that carry them, with care and intention. How we speak up on behalf of. Honor compels us to empathize and hold as sacred, another human being’s journey. #kidlit
Happy Father’s Day ❤️ I painted this during a heartbreaking year in our nation. I remember wanting to paint a picture different than the one being painted of us on the news. One that reflected our own voice, dignity, and humanity. To all the Daddies, I hope you feel honored today #kidlitart
Banned Books and Black Fairies II Inspired by the many requests to see more magical Black stories. #kidlitart
Ideas are as new as human beings. The gold is in how you execute and express that idea in the time you are living in.
What do you mean there’s no algorithm?
HOT TIP FOR NEW BLUESKY USERS: You can and should put your links in your posts here! You don't get punished for showing off or sharing. There's no algorithm.
Social Media doesn't feel social anymore. Most people don't post personal things anymore, even on private accounts, for a variety of good reasons. And so what's left are sponsored posts, ads, influencers, and people creating "content" to promote themselves or their work. Not all bad, but not social.
Also, for whoever needs to hear this: Sometimes it's okay to punt. It's okay to pivot, retreat, take a beat and re-evaluate when things get unsustainable. The world is not set up with artist's success in mind. It's the failing of an unfair, imbalanced system, not the failing of you as a person 🤍
I’ve said this before but if bears repeating: Your ‘best’ will look different day to day. Some days your best is getting your work done, and other days your best is getting up and putting on clothes. Be patient with your low days… the high days will come again. They always do. 🧡
This spread originally began as a silhouette, backlit by moonlight. The team loved it so much, they decided to use it for the cover. The tricky part came in trying to brighten the figure without losing the backlit/silhouette effect. Then matching the interior. Design did a great job with this.
I had to learn this the hard way, but for a Black illustrator choosing an agent with the best numbers won’t necessarily be helpful. You need someone who is comfortable having conversations about Black stories and Black art.
So glad I didn’t listen to those who thought they knew better, when they said I could only choose one of the many colors of my creativity.
People from all backgrounds, of different cultures, different tastes, with lifestyles you may like (or don’t like).. Have kids. Who read books.
Wed nes day resus citate Who still does this 🙋🏽‍♀️
I wish more knew the difference between a reference and asking an artist to copy another artist’s work. And how humiliating that can be for an artist when audiences recognize it.
Welp, threads first day out in the fediverse happens to coincide with both my IG and thread account getting hacked. I’ve been logged out and can’t get back in. 😑
“Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again” —C. S. Lewis
I kinda wish there was a QR code that came with all physical books, that allowed you to continue reading, but as an audio book, when you’ve got things to do. Who can I delegate this brilliant idea to?
How old were you when you discovered you speak pictures?
The first movie I wrote was in my sketchbook
The first movie I wrote was in my sketchbook
There was a time you couldn’t convince me to add color to any of my sketches
“Heart-expanding storytelling matters more than the medium” — Ava Duvernay