
You shouldn't be ok with this. I'm not.
Has anyone ever actually asked JK Rowling about Trans men using these spaces? Cos I'm pretty sure she'd be against that too and her whole "biological women" shit woukd collapse instantly
I'm pretty sure this has happened several times over.
She can't answer it, just like every other knt whose ever said women won't weesht unironically
I still dunno what weesht means
I saw someone earlier say it means "be silent" Which is funny considering they tell the vast majority of women to be silent for disagreeing with them
Rowling hasn't but other TERFs replied "we can tell they aren't real men so nobody feels threatened" OR "it's fine to self-select OUT of using the women's washroom, you just can't self select IN" OR the worst one "even butch [cis] women prefer to respect other women's fear by using the men's".
Awful, yes. I also try to sometimes analyze the argument for ways to counter it pithily, but then you get something like the last one, which is just flat denial of any shared reality whatever and I just have to sputter. (And I think that was Maya F, so not exactly just a rando?)
Oh right I forgot we were dealing with the British Press who never let problems like someone being a massive bigot get in the way of their own bigotry
So much to unpack here. I've never understood how anyone thinks a terrible writer of shitty fantasy has any authority to speak on transgender issues, and secondly, I've never felt unsafe around any trans person, but have felt unsafe around many cis people. That would be a better issue to discuss.
She keeps going back to her assault which is a horrible thing to happen to anyone and I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. I'm sorry it's happened to her...but she was assaulted by a *cis man*. Yet somehow we got to a place where trans people are constantly demonised and used as a political weapon 😔
You know what got downing in line real quick one time? Couple mortar shells
Is this recent? Would LOVE to discuss with the next round of canvassers