
My new CPAP: “Great job getting started, you can work up from 1 hr 27 minutes to 4 hours/night!” Me: Guess I’ll learn how to be staringly awake for 4 hours/night. This thing had better work miracles because I hate it oh so much.
Company called today to check on me and suggest different mask options, which is great, because the one I have comes with a permanent sinus headache and I still have not slept one minute with it on. Miss Kimberley at Apria, you are a real one!!!!
I do need one that covers mouth & nose (couldn’t tolerate nose-only for even 10 seconds at sleep study), but this one comes up so high and puts pressure on my sinuses, esp. since I’m a side sleeper. I’m trying to breathe through my nose while it feels like something is holding it shut from the top.
Phone lady suggested I look at something more like this, which would also let me wear glasses & read myself to sleep.
CPAP update: New mask is less horrible than old mask, & I have a new plan to actually possibly sleep tonight with it on my face. (Edibles. The plan is edibles.)
CPAP progress report: Last night I made it 4.5 hours and for 2 of I was asleep = PROGRESS!!!! (I took the drugs and the drugs are working. The drugs are working.)
YAY! I believe in you getting more used to it as time goes on! It gets better! Hopefully you will wonder how you slept without it (but it does take time, sadly)!
Two 4-hour nights in a row, it is getting noticeably easier.
Update: 5.5 hours last night, most of it asleep! As long as I tranq myself with the good edibles this CPAP thing is growing more viable each day.
Sounds like you have some of the major problems working out, hopefully it’ll just be a minor one or two and you can sleep through the night. My partner had to start washing his face and the mask seal to remove oil right before bed to get the best seal, that helped him with the last bit.
better living through chemistry!
Hurrah! I am glad it's starting to work! Getting oxygen while you sleep (I am told) usually leads to a vast improvement in quality of life!
they do make pillows designed for side sleepers who use paps. just in case the new mask isn't enough. good luck tho! ❤️❤️❤️
'fake it till you make it' is also real in CPAP mask wearing, as far as i've read / 🤞
This is what I do, along with melatonin, and it works great. So glad you were able to find a better mask!
welcome to your treefaced snork era.
Maybe that's what I need to try...
That style looks so much more comfortable. I'm able to do nose only but this was my backup plan because having it on the nose bridge is SO uncomfortable
Having the hose on top of your head is so much more comfortable, I don't know why they have anyone try the style you're wearing now first because it is horrible
CPAPS take SO LONG to get used to, and they make sleep so much worse before it gets better. now I CANNOT fall asleep without mine on. so... as cliche as it is, it does get better
i have the one that makes you look like an elephant btw
The tube connecting on the top will make a big difference, too. The drag on my face was one of the hardest things to get used to. Hang in there, it took me a while to adjust but I’m so glad I toughed it out.
Ok, so I've tried the new one before, and the one thing I noticed is that it sits in such a way that it makes the tip of my nose feel bruised. Painfully so. Will be curious to see how things go for you!
Oh but now that I look at it... Yours is different from what I had! Hmmm going to have to check that out, maybe
Oh! That looks easier than my current solution. Small, rather than the medium you’d think from the measurements. (I don’t need the top strap quite so tight with the smaller mask) Silk scarf over my hair. Audio book.
Ooh the nose cushion is working for me now, but if it stops for some reason this one looks great to try. The huge triangle full face just touched too much of my skin, making me want to shriek and claw it.
looks like an upgrade to me! /i hope this one works out for you 🤞
That's my mask! I love it.
I also FULLY CANNOT with anything putting pressure on that part of my face. Like they tried it on me when they were fitting me for a mask and I was like "ABSOLUTELY NOT THAT THING IS TRYING TO KILL ME".
For what it is worth, I struggled with nasal masks but could not deal with mouth covering ones and I was a mouth breather. This mask with a chin strap was what worked for me, and I was able to discontinue the chin strap in a month.
The F&P Brevida™ Nasal Pillows Developed from extensive patient-centred research, F&P Brevida features simple, adjustable headgear and the innovative AirPillow™ seal for a gentle, effective seal.
I use that same mask. Tried the nasal pillows and could NOT get them to stay seated. At all.
But, since I found the right mask for me, my sleep is SO MUCH BETTER.
I'm using one from a diff company. Also a side sleeper. I found some cloth covers for the rim and it helps. Don't feel like it's stuck to me an easier to shift if I move the mask during the night.