
joe rogan: last time you were on you said some things that made people pretty upset thanquol the grey seer: thanquol regrets choice-selection of words. was high-empowered on warpstone dust rogan: and you're done with that stuff now? thanquol: yes-yes. thanquol has own supplement stack-product now
Boneripper and Thanquol drifted apart over their opinions on the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Ironically, they're both pro-Israel, it's just that Boneripper doesn't think it's a genocide and is bothered by Thanquol insisting that it is and that it's 'based-goated'
I was thinking they disagree because they have different proportional bigotries towards Jews and Muslims, respectively.
Like as much “it’s antisemitic to support Palestine!” is complete bullshit, there is a minority of people who support Palestine just because they *are* antisemites.
The guy who writes sinfest has pivoted that way recently. Its really bizarre, disgusting and sad.
I'd believe just about anything about him at this stage tbh
I hate that guy so much. I wish I could hate him to death.
I kinda pity him. Like look how ugly and joyless and humourless his strip is. Just endless banal hideous drawings of everything he hates and fears, nothing he loves. That’s the world the motherfucker lives in now.
The only real satisfaction I'm getting there is that the idea of supporting Muslims is creating palpable friction in his brain.
This is a guy who was a self-identified radical feminist seven years ago. I don’t think he’s *capable* of cognitive dissonance. The only constant in his life is his weird guilt over pornography.
I hope it causes him physical pain and that the stress reduces his lifespan in measurable ways.
He's a modern day Dave Sim.
Yep. He’s a full-on nazi now.
There's also a minority of actual Nazis who support Israel and have decided they like Jews on the grounds that anyone that good at killing Muslims can't be all bad.
To be clear that second part isn't hyperbole I mean straight up gushing over what a strong race the Jews are and acknowledging that yes in retrospect mistakes were made
Yeah I mean I have a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you if you think they won’t go right back to being antisemitic in time
Well thinking they’re *competent* has always been part of nazism and antisemitism. In fact, this is part of the “reasoning” for why they pose a threat.
Yeah but that's the whole quantum fascism/weak but cunning thing, not "Wait are you sure we're the real master race because I'm starting to wonder."