
joe rogan: last time you were on you said some things that made people pretty upset thanquol the grey seer: thanquol regrets choice-selection of words. was high-empowered on warpstone dust rogan: and you're done with that stuff now? thanquol: yes-yes. thanquol has own supplement stack-product now
Boneripper and Thanquol drifted apart over their opinions on the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Ironically, they're both pro-Israel, it's just that Boneripper doesn't think it's a genocide and is bothered by Thanquol insisting that it is and that it's 'based-goated'
I was thinking they disagree because they have different proportional bigotries towards Jews and Muslims, respectively.
Like as much “it’s antisemitic to support Palestine!” is complete bullshit, there is a minority of people who support Palestine just because they *are* antisemites.
The guy who writes sinfest has pivoted that way recently. Its really bizarre, disgusting and sad.
There's also a minority of actual Nazis who support Israel and have decided they like Jews on the grounds that anyone that good at killing Muslims can't be all bad.
To be clear that second part isn't hyperbole I mean straight up gushing over what a strong race the Jews are and acknowledging that yes in retrospect mistakes were made
Why has no one made an energy drink called WOKE yet, there is a billion dollars just sitting on the table
thanquol: thanquol has visited outer planes where the rules of the universe are both bent and broken joe rogan: so, like, can you jump real high then? thanquol: yes joe rogan: oh shit, jump high like monkeys jump? thanquol: yes but that's not... joe rogan: jamie you ever seen monkeys jumping?
my bluesky feed rapidly becoming a Venn diagram nexus of all the weird shit I love and I’m staring into it like
Not a reference I expected to see today. Bravo.