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Glad to be here.
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It's morning in America and even the alarm is alarmed.
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Extrapolate from this. The only thing coming between you and endless shrimp is capitalism
Every article about Red Lobster filing for bankruptcy is "ha ha endless shrimp, what did they think would happen" and then buried ten paragraphs down is the usual:
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Merry Maying, John Collier, 1900.
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if it can happen with The Onion, can't a bunch of us get together and buy a college, then live and teach there?
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Today's most excellent view from puppy walkies... Camel's Hump.
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The almost ghostlike delicate structure of last year's physalis alkekengi. Nature truly is the best artist .
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Happy Eclipse Eve, everybody! Here's a thread with FAQs, practical advice & why this one is a big deal. Let's start with: why does an eclipse move west to east? (1/n)
Why Does a Solar Eclipse Move West to East? Here’s why the path of a solar eclipse travels in the opposite direction of that of the sun
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"A violinist believes he has discovered a previously unknown system of dynamics in Beethoven’s original manuscripts."
New from me in the Atlantic: The Beethoven Code
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I've dug into my archives for this red-backed fairywren that performed for me on a farm gate post at Amamoor in the Mary Valley. Happy Wrensday! #birds #wrensday
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Further away, but a magical moment needed to be preserved This broad-billed hummingbird dancing like a fairy in the rain 📷🪶🧚🌧️
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Everybunny was kung-fu fighting. photographers: Takayuki and Mora Nakamura.
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Hello Monday. 🖼️ Lily Seika Jones
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‘I imagine myself at the landward rail of that boat searching for the last sight of a hand. I see myself on the underworld side of that water, the darkness coming in fast, saying all the names I know for a lost land: Ireland. Absence. Daughter.’ ~ Eavan Boland. #BookWormSat
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This made me so happy to read. She uses Legos to chart her findings!!! ❤️
“Take year 3 student Emma Glenfield, who started with a simple question about magpies and wound up conducting some cutting-edge research almost by accident."
Do magpies target you? This eight-year-old's viral research could explain Emma Glenfield wants to know why magpies swoop. She's conducting some cutting-edge research — and displaying her results with Lego.
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the weekly evil
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I will repost this any time I see it, it is too good
This stuff just keeps showing up on my phone.
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Check this out! First Fiddlehead of the season peeking through on my walk today!! SO early!
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White Mtns NH… “Immerse yourself in the outdoor experience. It will cleanse your soul and make your a better person.” -Fred Bear
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“forge me the harpoon. And forge me first, twelve rods for its shank; then wind, and twist, and hammer these twelve together like the yarns and strands of a tow-line. Quick! I'll blow the fire.” Chapter 113 The Forge, Moby dick. -Melville
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We are the hollow men     We are the stuffed men     Leaning together     Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!     Our dried voices, when     We whisper together     Are quiet and meaningless     As wind in dry grass     Or rats' feet over broken glass     In our dry cellar
New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu backs Trump for president | CNN New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu said he would support former President Donald Trump’s presidential bid this week, falling in line behind the presumptive Republican nominee after former South Carolina ...
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Today is a good vibes day. People are being incredibly kind. I hope all of you have a Friday like that today. I'm pretty sure you deserve it. And if it isn't that kind of day, please know I want you to have one tomorrow.
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Jessica is a fucking badass woodworker + punk maven, give her more than a one song listen, she’s awesome 🤘
Yes All Cops (Worriers Cover)
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With Monday the big day, now’s the time to grab a shirt