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The atlas-eater with a jaw for news :: si at arrr dot net
Just in case the guillotines go up I’m learning to crochet
there is such a rich text of evil in how Obama had to be followed up with not just a white man, but a mediocre white man, a lazy white man who can barely focus. how unimpressive he is feels like part of the point
This is the justification for “business lunch” applied to crimes against democracy
i keep re-reading this to make sure i didn't hallucinate
right now a lot of guys who have led lives of trouble writing dementedly punctuated Missives to the Admiralty Court of their HOA and numbering papier-mâché DIY license plates with their own blood are realizing they could have instead just made friends with Harlan Crow
Homeless people can be arrested for sleeping, Presidents cannot be arrested for rampant graft and corruption done while in office. There is no clearer a summary of "conservative 'law and order'" than this.
Ok guys how are we going to survive this
So “let’s just do it and be legends” is the official way the presidency works now
Just a reminder in advance that the Supreme Court is illegitimate and Thomas and Alito should have been kicked out of office months if not years ago.
There are around 50 million children age 6-17 in this country. I'm not particularly good at math but does a couple hundred surgeries and maybe a few thousand kids on hormone therapy a year strike you as a particularly large percentage of 50 million?
I mutter "Hitler's Swiss Chalet" to myself on at least a bi-weekly basis now
Posting this screenshot from the NYT archives for no particular reason
Serious suggestion: ProPublica is doing great investigative work. They also partner with local outlets. For day-to-day coverage Mother Jones is another not-for-profit newsroom. Contributions to either are tax deductible.
Avatar and I are the gamma and delta males respectively
they keep inventing new guys
the Gifs of the Magi
My bald, non-jewelry-wearing partner did a lot of research to get me a surprise engagement ring and then a surprise fancy hair tool for my birthday, and boy are his targeted ads FUCKED up now
This is the junk food equivalent of that phone Commissioner Gordon uses to call Batman and it’s perfect
Just discovered an incredible artifact
NPR announcer: “support for our program today comes from you —“ Prerecorded funder audio “—and Auschwitz”
Anyone know the best way to undo these bolt? Looks like they might take a hex key/Allen wrench?
Just discovered an incredible artifact
Just discovered an incredible artifact
Remember back in the 00s when conservatives complained all the time about “activist judges”
So SCOTUS is revealed to be comically corrupt and I guess the other branches just aren’t gonna really do anything about that?
I want a girl with a short skirt and a loooooooooong list of grievances against the CIA
last week had her second tranniversary. She's wise and kind, and more beautiful every day, and I'm so thrilled to be on this adventure with her.
yesterday on the radio somone said "between Western Asia ...and India" and during the pause my brain heard "between Worcester and Asia"
How many of these common garden plants have you grown?
Garden’s coming along nicely
Garden’s coming along nicely
I spent the winter reading history books and papers and all I got was a bunch of weird theories that I can't write about anywhere involving conquistadors and psychedelic mushrooms
In 2015 DeBoer wrote me to ask about restraining disabled children, to demand answers about when it might be ok. Given answers, he then of course never responded. I wrote about it here:
I know the Cut thrives on 'contrarian' takes but this is some dangerous hot garbage at a moment when our rights are actively under attack.
Restraint for Safety vs Restraint for Punishment (And Freddie DeBoer) – This is David M.
Fuck, and I cannot say this robustly enough, this.