
I kneel in the direction of Google HQ chanting my mantra, "the electricity needs of AI supercede the human requirement of an inhabitable planet" outside the window a choir of Boston Dynamics robot dogs bark the national anthem
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
Whoever hung "AI" as a name on LLMs has some things to answer for once the marketing departments have finished canonizing them as a Saint.
Is this what people mean by “AI” these days? I admit, I don’t understand much about AI as currently practiced commercially - is there an explainer somewhere, something suitable for say, an upper division undergrad in CS?
Non-CS : It's an incredibly advanced form of Autocomplete. Vaguely CS: I believe they feed the source info through some form of filter (Guessing Baysian, but more complicated?) to build really complicated tables of associations, and then use those tables to predict what comes next. (1/2)
"AI" has been used for general neural network architecture for decades, which is why "AGI" was coined over 20 years ago. And uh... no. They don't "feed the source info through some form of filter" or "use tables to predict what comes next."
If that's what GPTs were, they wouldn't need GPUs to handle a massive number of concurrent calculations to handle complicated matrix multiplication, and there would be no need to investigate the possibility of matmul free transformer architecture.
(2/2) A youtube video described as a "catch up to llms" by a friend of mine who knows what she's talking about. My background: Minor in CS
"Catching up on the weird world of LLMs" - Simon Willison (North Bay Python 2023) Simon Willison Large Language Models are the engines that power AI tools like ChatGPT, Bing and Bard. They are deeply weird, often frustrating and undeniably fascinating pieces of technology. This talk will attempt to summarize everything I've learned about them over the past year: how they are built, what they can do, what they can't do and how we can best tame them and use them to solve interesting problems. LLMs don't have to be large: I'll talk through the latest developments in openly licensed models you can run on your own devices, including on your phone and even in your web browser. I'll also discuss their as-yet unconquered security flaws, and the bewildering ethical implications of how they are trained and what they can damage. North Bay Python is a boutique one-track conference, held in Petaluma, California. Our first events were held in 2017-2019 in a 100 year-old theater in the city's downtown. After a planned one-year break that's turned into almost four years, we're excited to return! This year, we're holding our conference in July, in a barn, on a ranch overlooking the Petaluma River. Produced by NDV: Sun Jul 30 16:10:00 2023 at Reis River Ranch
Cool! I’ll check this out, and thank you. (My background is EE/physics, won’t claim to have done more than dabble in CS.)
I keep asking, shouldn’t there be a cost disincentive to using AI? But my uninformed guess is that this cost is being shunted to municipalities or governments for reasons involving trying to keep tech companies in-state? Seriously, who is taking on that expense?
They're all gambling on being the first one to get to market with an AI that can convince MBAs it will replace minimum-wage workers. That's it. Doesn't even have to do it, just convince the MBAs enough to cough up service contracts and destroy the labor market. Problems will be ... outsourced.
Sexually Suggestive
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“Thou shalt not make a LLM in the likeness of a human mind.”
I didn’t wanna presume too much, but yes, that would be my request.
This is what Effective Altruists actually believe
And they have to steal other people’s work to train the AI, because paying those people would be too expensive!
Are there any Congressional committees investigating legislation on AI? I mean at the very least we should have the ability to opt out to reduce our impact on climate change
that would upset our corporate overlords, so no
There must be some kind of way out of here
okay but for the sake of the robot dogs i can make that sacrifice
I hoped once some of this hype dies down, and most of these things are running on ASICs, we'd have excess power from capacity built up in the meantime. Now, I think it'll stay expanded enough to use all available compute/power. Might be worse than crypto too, since it's not profitability-bound.