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official Bluesky account of Cowboy. also caylenb on twitter but let’s be serious as to why anyone would follow here: it’s the dog pics.
Reposted byAvatar caylen
Just found out about a massive data leak at Twitter/X. I don't use it anymore but I keep my account alive so no one else can claim my username. I just changed my password and suggest others do too. Also use 2FA whenever you can. More:
9.4GB Twitter(X) Data Leaked - Over 200 Million Records Exposed The Cyberpress Research Team made a significant discovery with the Massive 9.4 GB of X (Formerly the Twitter) Database.
Reposted byAvatar caylen
You alright man? I keep seeing small damage numbers coming off you
Reposted byAvatar caylen
facebook, which employs a pro-israel censor on staff, is suppressing direct links to haaretz’s reporting on israel’s massacre of its own citizens on october 7
haaretz confirms that an unknown but extremely significant number of the israelis that died on october 7 and whose deaths were subsequently laid at hamas’ feet were killed by friendly fire on israeli military orders
IDF ordered Hannibal directive on October 7 to prevent Hamas taking soldiers 'There was crazy hysteria, and decisions started being made without verified information': Documents and testimonies obtained by Haaretz reveal the Hannibal operational order, which directs the use of...
if you have a link to your best posts on here in your profile I am going to assume you’re a part of the same obnoxious syndicate of posters that does that & only reposts each other & treat you like the conservative think tank op that you are
Reposted byAvatar caylen
Reposted byAvatar caylen
a dead giveaway that project 2025 was written specifically for—and with input from—trump:
Reposted byAvatar caylen
the face of a dog who’s jealous of all the attention a baby with an oversized hat gets
Reposted byAvatar caylen
stardew valley grandpa's bed lookin decor
Zillow stream starts at the top of the hour! We'll be joined by ! The bounties of the Earth await #vtuber
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Reposted byAvatar caylen
Reposted byAvatar caylen
Reposted byAvatar caylen
reformed goon updating his old olsen twins turn 18 countdown clock to be an aoc turns 35 countdown clock
the face of a dog who’s jealous of all the attention a baby with an oversized hat gets
Reposted byAvatar caylen
the face of a dog who’s realized that babies drop a ton of food while they eat
Reposted byAvatar caylen
navigating dos prompts as we were young enough to be learning how to read because we desperately needed to game did some shit to our brains
Reposted byAvatar caylen
someone blocking me so they can say my grandpa has made it into the imperial core while making oblique references to a tv show has to be some of the most bitch made behavior i have seen to date on this platform lmfao
“I don’t get it, why are you celebrating American Chauvinism this year of all years? This country is capital C cooked” My abuelo crossed a desert at the age of 14 for nearly a week, by moonlight, to get his life here. By placing yourself in the shoes of others, you may be able to understand 👍
the face of a dog who’s realized that babies drop a ton of food while they eat
Reposted byAvatar caylen
petition to replace chris pratt with conner o'malley in all his movies
Reposted byAvatar caylen
POV: you’re the last bite of banana
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Reposted byAvatar caylen
POV: you're the last bite of croissant
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Prime Minister given second billing to "Britain's Most Tatooed Mum"
POV: you’re the last bite of banana
Reposted byAvatar caylen
I only just noticed one of the other guys has a mother fucking ventriloquist dummy with him. It seems almost impossible that would be the second thing you'd notice in a photo.
Reposted byAvatar caylen
There is a 7 foot tall guy behind Rishi Sunak who likely ran for office just to be able to hold a printed out L behind him during his concession speech.
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happy “I’m just here for the BBQ & my friends” day
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happy “I’m just here for the BBQ & my friends” day
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about to tell my dog he no longer has dominion over the guest bedroom for a week