jj skolnik

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jj skolnik


writer and editor // yells in the band daddy’s boy // part of flaming hydra // member: trans journalists association, iww fju, bandcamp united // union YES // another world is possible if we can get it together
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i still believe my whisper network on neil gaiman and have avoided anything to do with him for a year now
most likely multiple outlets have been working on neil gaiman abuse investigations, so it’s a shame the outlet scooping the gaiman allegations right now did so for the wrong reasons. both the matter of fact and the matter of publishing are terrible.
wallace shawn has been a real one for a long time. man put out a book of essays with haymarket. short round guys with good politics mount up
Wallace Shawn on Gaza: “The Anger of the Palestinians Cannot Be Ended by Killing Their Children” The playwright, actor, and member of Jewish Voice for Peace challenges the notion that all Jews support Israel's actions Via THR
Wallace Shawn on Gaza: “The Anger of the Palestinians Cannot Be Ended by Killing Their Children”www.hollywoodreporter.com The playwright, actor, and member of Jewish Voice for Peace challenges the notion that all Jews support Israel's actions
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A lot of rotten people are seizing on the Gaiman allegations in order to score points against the groups and politics he publicly supported. Please do not let this trick your animal brain into thinking he isn't guilty. The publishing world has horror stories about this guy going back decades.
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i drop this when folks are clicking to read a performatively bad take by a fascist in the new york times. 1—that’ll make it the best performing piece of the day 2—guy writes for national review—the mag william f buckley founded 3—i know you like wordle, but the nyt has always been like this
in 1986—peak AIDS crisis; only 6 months after reagan admitted AIDS was real—the NYT ran a william f buckley op-ed calling for all HIV+ people to be tattooed on the arm & the ass for the greater good anyone giving the NYT the benefit of the doubt about trans coverage: this is who they’ve always been
for “independence day” i am giving myself my hormone injection and not doing anything productive
oh my god this job is so in my zone it’s not even funny. i’m having the best time. i want this to be more than two weeks so badly and i know i can’t get my hopes up but ugh
job search update II: staffing agency got me a two-week remote contract which is not a JOB but is a start and is work and it starts tomorrow and like, you know, it’s just nice to have Some Movement
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This summer Chicago will host the DNC which will be met with massive protests. Now is the perfect time to learn or brush up on your rights during a protest. Know Your Rights Training with National Lawyers Guild Chicago July 11th, 7 pm @ PCB pilsencommunitybooks.com?q=h.calevent...
i know a lot of people who loved liara. pls read
I wrote about the life, not the death, of Liara Kaylee Tsai, the recently killed Minneapolis DJ, for Carbon Sound. It's a big story for a big personality and I hope you take the time for it. www.carbonsound.fm/feature/2024...
Remembering the electrifying Minneapolis DJ Liara Kaylee Tsaiwww.carbonsound.fm “This is who I am, and this is the gift I bring.” Colleagues and loved ones will celebrate Tsai on Friday, July 5.
job search update II: staffing agency got me a two-week remote contract which is not a JOB but is a start and is work and it starts tomorrow and like, you know, it’s just nice to have Some Movement
job search update: once again i have turned down a potential opportunity but it was a) not a paralegal job and b) requires one to be “standing/walking majority of the day” when i have some spinal damage from when i had enormous boobs and a bad knee from an injury when i was a kid. why do i feel bad
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GeNDeR cRiTIcal Compact Magazine Editor Nina Power sued someone for calling her a fascist, she lost and had to pay court costs, and in discovery a ton of evidence that she is indeed a fascist were made public. luketurner.com/Nina_Power/
Nina Powerluketurner.com Nina Power has lost the High Court libel claim that she and Daniel 'DC' Miller brought against me. In the ruling, the judge described their conduct as an aggressive course of bullying with the whiff o...
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Emad and Noor know one another and I fully vouch for Emad. His campaign has slowed way down and his goal is to get his family out of Gaza. He is already out. He is si kind and helpful to others, Please share and contribute!!
Any donations today for next step 6k we appreciate your efforts and support I know the situation not good around all the world £5 believe me it's not little it has great meaning and value for them there as they anxiously await the evacuation of Gaza by your generous donation gofund.me/a216f8d8
Emergency: Help Emad’s family evacuate to safety, organized by Emad Muharebgofund.me Hello my name is Emad I am raising funds to evacuate my family out of Ga… Emad Muhareb needs your support for Emergency: Help Emad’s family evacuate to safety
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I imagine those of us who keep talking about the US-backed genocide in Gaza will be increasingly portrayed as crazy or unrealistic in light of Trump but I'll be damned if folks get to peacefully forget what this country is supporting to ease their conscience
BREAKING: The Israeli army has ordered a mass evacuation of Palestinians from the eastern half of the city of Khan Younis in Gaza, a sign that Israeli troops could soon return to the city.
Israel orders Palestinians to flee Khan Younis, signaling return of troops to southern Gaza cityapnews.com The order is a sign that Israeli troops could soon return.
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PRIDE PARADE BROUGHT TO YOU BY BOEING. we might as well nail ourselves into the closet and set it on fire.
For Pride this year in the U.S., we're seeing lots of activism against the war in Israel/Gaza and in support of the Palestinian people. Today, St. Louis, Missouri activists blocked the Pride parade over its acceptance of sponsorship by Boeing. link: x.com/ProJoSTL/sta...
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Hey remember how Joe Biden told us "trans Americans, I've got your back" for about 5 years straight? Fuckin cool
Recap: 1. The Times runs a scandal piece on how Biden administration lobbied not to publish age guidelines for youth trans care, because those guidelines could be politically abused. 2. Pressed by the Times, the administration puts age limits on trans care much more severe than the guidelines.
reading sparknotes or whatever is better because at least that shit is trying to get at what the author meant to say as opposed to actively changing the language also gatsby is not a hard book also how much is this related to the privatization and resource deprivation of schools probably a lot
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
unfortunately it is gonna be too hot outside for me for the inaugural trans march (i overheat VERY quickly and it’s supposed to be 90 outside when it kicks off) so i will be … at home, hunched over my laptop, writing about lou reed & queer self-loathing
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Gaza is not starving, it is being starved by Israel.
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There are likely more people than normal open to the possibility of a more expansive politics.
aw man. what a brilliant dude (truly, across the arts)
oh, DAMN. Not Martin Mull.
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as a late in life transitioner, i too can relate to blowing up forty years of precedent
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Norway’s largest pension fund has cut ties with Caterpillar due to the US bulldozer company’s alleged contribution to the construction of illegal settlements and other human rights violations by Israel’s armed forces in the West Bank and Gaza. www.theguardian.com/us-news/arti...
Norway pension fund sells $69m stake in Caterpillar over alleged involvement in Gaza destructionwww.theguardian.com KLP divests from US bulldozer company over alleged contribution to construction of illegal Israeli settlements
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we are literally speedrunning the soviet collapse
until looking up what hawk tuah was i assumed it was some stupid star wars thing for some reason (star wars fandom very annoying to me) and it’s even stupider than that. great job everyone
today’s job search adventures: the cold calls from insurance companies trying to get you to group interviews to be part of their sales team have begun. forgot about those from the last time