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I’ll figure out some witty description later. Star Wars, fic, Ceallaigh on Ao3, bj2jakku on the bird app. Fandom dinosaur. She/Her
lots of discourse on whether there should be a True Detective S5 but only one right answer: hire Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny at their current ages, name their characters Mulder and Scully, make them longtime (work) partners, do not otherwise acknowledge the existence of X-Files in the show
Guidebook: “…unremarkable female cardinal (drab green) not pictured.” Female Cardinal:
Should just abandon twitter once and for all. It’s a cesspool of negativity and dog piling. So hello everyone. Trying to be more active here.
Respiratory viruses are rebounding in the United States on the precipice of the end-of-year holidays, with emergency room visits for covid-19, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus collectively reaching their highest levels since February.
Covid and flu rising ahead of holidays, increasing ER visitswww.washingtonpost.com Combined covid, influenza and RSV emergency room visits are the highest since February.
Last time I wrote anything was for last year’s exchange. Come join us!
STARS THAT SHOW US: THE 2024 RFFA FIC EXCHANGE SIGN UPS ARE NOW OPEN To celebrate with Reylo fanfic this Valentine’s Day, the Reylo Fanfiction Anthology is hosting a fic exchange on AO3! Writers will offer to write a story of a minimum of 1000 words for someone’s request. (1/3)
And to add insult to injury, our internet took a crap, so I can’t even even binge stream.
Day 9 of Covid. Cough better. Snots slowly improving. Miss being able to smell things. Definitely a mild case but I’m sick of being sick.
i just think it's insanely funny that reylo started out as something you had to hide as a ship, creative fan collectives banning reylos from participating in multifandom event weeks, being harassed... skip forward 8 years and we're all over the publishing industry. honk honk we love the library
#reylofic #WBW Ben once told me to let the past die to be who you were meant to be. It’s the other way around. To save him, I need to erase the future, because he will never be part of the reality I came from. I don’t need to alter my timeline. I need to fix his! archiveofourown.org/works/268793...
i keep looking at this photo of flaco the eurasian eagle owl on the lam in central park and smiling. he is so perfect
Block the nazis and move on instead of incentivizing their content strategy is a norm I hope continues as this site grows.
Thea Guanzon, AO3: diasterisms (#reylo) Ali Hazelwood, AO3: ever-so-reylo (#reylo) Olivie Blake, AO3: olivieblake (#dramione) Laura Pohl, AO3: onlybylaura (#reylo) www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/714036... #publishedreylo
The look of a man who had forgotten his reading glasses.
First time posting. 1950s AU (or is it?)
Alright everyone, what are cooking up for #ReyloSSS today? Anything fun for #Reylo30for30? 👀
Episode 10 has so much potential to right the wrongs of TROS. Edit by me.
So this memory popped up on my FB that I posted after the first image of Dark Rey dropped at D23. Even Ben’s stupid plan here would’ve been better than what we got.
The Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren tag on Ao3 is approaching 30,000 fics!! During September we are holding an event #Reylo30for30 to help it along. We have 30 prompts to share with you to inspire Ao3 fics and will be posting a prompt everyday. Let’s go!! moodboards by @ev3rmichelle.bsky.social
Folks, arguing if Musk can/will actually remove the "block" feature on his service is good sport, but also I think misses the point that Musk's clear and unambiguous intent is to, one way or another, make the service absolutely unsafe for anyone who's not his favorite flavor of fascist shitweasel
The Sword of Prince Hector by englishable. Powerful look at guilt, acceptance and forgiveness. And one of the most poetic writers. But holy hell, mind the tags. https://archiveofourown.org/works/6499309/chapters/14877532
Reylos! QT/QP this with a fic you find yourself rereading over and over. 💜 and share a link please!
Looking for great #reylofic ? Just check out the quote tweets and replies to my post below!! Plenty of fic I had never read before, but are great!! #reylo #reyloart
Reylos!! - let’s be self-affirming this weekend! Post the Reylo creation (fic/art/poem/fanvid/whatever) that you are MOST proud of! Mine - Oubliette - a canon au fic with failed Jedi Ben and struggling Sith Rey! For the 2023 RFFA Valentines Exchange. #reylo #reylofic #reyloart
Reylos!! - let’s be self-affirming this weekend! Post the Reylo creation (fic/art/poem/fanvid/whatever) that you are MOST proud of! Mine - Oubliette - a canon au fic with failed Jedi Ben and struggling Sith Rey! For the 2023 RFFA Valentines Exchange. #reylo #reylofic #reyloart
Billy Porter is having to sell his house due to the strike. Billy Fucking Porter So please imagine how hard this has been on many people who's names you don't know who absolutely do not have 'fuck you' money MOST creatives live hand to mouth. (Including most sex workers).
Billy Porter Slams Bob Iger, Says “I Have to Sell My House” Due to Ongoing Strikeswww.hollywoodreporter.com "The life of an artist, until you make f***-you money — which I haven’t made yet — is still check-to-check," the actor explained in a recent interview.
My money’s on them not finding a spine.
Technically it’s my second reylo fic I ever wrote. Like this one more. Only time I’ve ever wrote this much in a single day. Wrote it the day Carrie Fisher died and was my way to say goodbye to Leia as well. Ben in exile learned of his mother’s death. https://archiveofourown.org/works/9094393
Quote post this with the first #reylo #reylofic you ever wrote and tell us what gave you the idea/what prompted you to write it! 💜 (and share a link of course)
Stars Don’t Come Down by Nymja https://archiveofourown.org/works/6515818/chapters/14909011
Quote post this with the fic that got you started in #Reylo #Reylofic 🥰
Have a week off work coming up. Think I’ll finally read Lincoln in the Bardo