Heiko Cestonaro

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Heiko Cestonaro


A friendly visual guide for how to respond to social media trolls:
'The world is awful — The world is much better — The world can be much better', is a short article on why we are building Our World in Data. → ourworldindata.org/much-better-... I've just updated the data and made entirely new visualizations for it, as it is one of my most-read articles.
If you ask someone today to name the builder of Hadrian's Wall, they would give you a funny look. But historical memory is odd, and right up to the 1800s we forgot who built it. Until in 1840 John Hodgson, an obscure Northumbrian clergyman, published the LONGEST footnote in history... 1/22
Mein Vorschlag für ein neues Narrativ, dass uns in die Zukunft tragen kann. Wenn's nicht jeder versteht, der möchte, dann hab ich was falsch gemacht. Freue mich sehr, dass es heute erscheint. War ein weiter Weg und eine Herzenssache. www.faltungderwelt.de www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft...
This needs to be a movie.
When you're a grownup you can use Christmas cookies as sandwich bread. It's legal and no one can stop you.
Lots of fascinating details in this article on how we got to this stage of AI companies, but one bit that caught my attention: it claims Elon left OpenAI because he wanted to change it from nonprofit to for profit. www.nytimes.com/2023/12/03/t...
Ego, Fear and Money: How the A.I. Fuse Was Litwww.nytimes.com The people who were most afraid of the risks of artificial intelligence decided they should be the ones to build it. Then distrust fueled a spiraling competition.
A new one from me: London-based Mytos just raised a $19 million investment to accelerate its product, which lets research labs automate the incredibly tedious--but necessary--process of growing cell cultures. www.forbes.com/sites/alexkn...
This Startup Just Raised $19 Million To Bring An Industrial Revolution To Biologywww.forbes.com London-based Mytos has developed a way to automate aspects of biological research that are still tediously done by hand.
Ok so Turducken is acceptable but my Pigcowlamb is "an affront to humanity" and "how did you get the cow in the pig"
One year after WWII many territories were still highly disputed. Europe was in limbo. Some regions could've gone different ways. This was the start to an impressive recovery of the continent over the coming decades. Source: buff.ly/2CW9fcO
Friday afternoon shocker: Sam Altman is out as CEO of OpenAI for deceiving the company board. Is there a scandal about the drop that they’re trying to get ahead of?
Sam Altman fired as CEO of OpenAIwww.theverge.com Mira Murati will be the interim CEO.
Etwas Denken ist dem Menschen immer nütze. #WelttagDerPhilosophie — Goethe
Sometimes I like to stretch the definition of #badgeographyjoke just to show you a meme that made me laugh…
received several points of psychic damage reading this
„Wir sind weiter, als ich erwartete“. Interview mit Amory Lovins, der aber auch noch mal stark betont, dass die Welt insbesondere bei Energieeffizienz und -einsparung immer noch den Notwendigkeiten hinterhinkt. taz.de/Energiewende...
Energiewendepionier über den Fortschritt: „Wir sind weiter, als ich erwartete“taz.de Der Physiker Amory Lovins entwarf in den siebziger Jahren eine Vision für die Energiewende, die besonders in Deutschland verfing. Was sagt er heute?
The knife sharpening truck came around this morning and when I picked mine up the old Italian guy who runs it said to me, full of admiration, “Those knives were dull as can be. You’re not eating McDonald’s in that house.”
End of feed.