Christina Filios

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Christina Filios

Tubin’ down the Rubicon.
I refuse to believe that the missing stalwarts of my Bluesky timeline were run off by mean leftists or patronizing centrists. You fuckers are at the Ambani wedding and it’s embarrassing for everybody.
Summer replacement shows are back, baby! Real “Tony Orlando and Dawn on Ice” energy.
i don’t know if these people are such infants that they think this would be cool and so would voters, or if they’re so condescending that they think voters are such infants that they think it would be cool
Just so great that the papers of record are looking forward to covering the potential second Trump presidency as if it were a new drop ride at Six Flags. Hold onto your hat, it’s a thrill a minute, death defying experience no one will ever forget!
July 4th is very rough on my dog (he is a royalist and considers George Washington a traitor)
Nostalgia trip I didn’t ask for: summer subway, no AC.
Since the Constitution is just paper now, Biden must proclaim the homeless are troops and quarter them in car dealers’ McMansions across the nation. Get some fun goodies from the absolute corruption pantry before it’s closed to anyone who never glamped with Harlan Crow.
St. Peter as Martin Mull approaches the Pearly Gates:
Now that I live in humidity like a sucker, I highly recommend grapefruit-scented shampoo because when your head sweats it’s like “mmm, Fresca.”
Just reading a long thread here which ended “You can watch John Oliver's explanation of Schedule F here.” I don’t know, man. Sometimes being a liberal is like being in one of those religions where you have to go to church twice during the week too, and it’s all day on Sunday.
Things I Claim Because I Am Old and These Facts Are Uncheckable: 1. I was the lizard handler in the “ Country Grammar” video 2. There used to be clowns in all local burger restaurants until Ray Kroc’s fellas came around 3. In California college was free until 1975.
Every album from The Decemberists
“As you all know, he’s a talented chap and their loss is our gain.” Man, it’s a special gift some English boss types have, to make my skin extra crawly.
People of Louisiana: it’s time you had that tough conversation with your kids about coveting your neighbor’s wife.
Watching the Tony Awards and am perplexed by the Rocky Horror Cabaret Show. Choices were made.
This boat has been a drama queen all day. Almost two in the morning, it’s still acting the fool.
The French guys who invented the Minions are probably living la vie incroyable. That will make for nice memories when I haul them into The Hague.
I am obsessed with Martha-Ann Alito and not just because I too will have my revenge on those who scoffed at my palazzo pants in 2006.
I have an aversion to jukebox musicals, but the recent announcement of a Broadway-bound Avett Brothers one has me thinking: what artist’s catalog would put me in line for the dreaded spectacle? The first that comes to mind is XTC. What artist’s jukebox mysical would you, in theory, be up for?
The only thing that would be cool about restoring the draft is that the ruling class has been so busy getting their children into elite colleges that they’ve lost their getting them out of the army chops.
We could have had Harriet Miers.
You know why politicians fear me? Because I can stay on hold like a motherfucker.
There is a flying insect the size of a commuter plane traversing the outside window sash. I’m assuming outside because otherwise I would hear its footfall.
Can’t get enough Godzilla swimming.
Watching “Godzilla Minus One” and thoroughly enjoying myself. Navy guy looking through binoculars. Navy Guy, how bad is your vision if you need binoculars to see GODZILLA.
My two cents on that Kathleen Parker column description of Martha-Ann Alito as “funny and feisty” is “loud and rude, but small so it’s cute.”