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Looking to rediscover the fun and joyous days of early Twitter before it all went down the 🚽
Something that needs to happen is to unhook the cost of gas from the cost of renewable energy.
Reposted byAvatar LaReyne
Sir Ewan Forbes (1912-1991) was a Scottish nobleman, general practitioner, farmer, and a trans man. He transitioned during the 1930s, following medical care in Germany. He changed his name legally in 1952 and married Isabella Mitchell, his housekeeper and formerly co-founder of his dance troupe.
I'm glad I don't do any of the stuff mentioned in this thread 😌
Do the “adults are back in charge” / “cockwomble” / “Marina Hyde has nailed it again” crowd keep a league table of who has won the internet the most times?
Reposted byAvatar LaReyne
"You ain’t so bad, you ain’t so bad, you ain’t nothin’. C’mon, champ hit me in the face! I've had green peppers hit me harder than that!"
Reposted byAvatar LaReyne
The Daily Fail is telling Brexiteers which EU country to flee to to escape Kier Starmer. Well, the paper's owner, Jonny Harmsworth, 4th Viscount Rothermere, lives in a mansion in Monaco, pays tax in France and identifies as French, so he should know.
Daily Mail publishes emigration guide for people fleeing 'Keir's Britain' Daily Mail promoting EU countries as suitable places to live for British economic migrants isn't something we had on our 2024 bingo card.
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Good to see she's already back in employment.🤣
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I support everything in their letter. But will be interesting to see if Starmer tries to appease Reform voters. We need a change of language as well as practice, drop ‘illegal’ immigrants, use ‘irregular’ routes, ‘save lives’ not ‘stop the boats’ which is code for ‘stop-people-with-brown-skin’.
Reposted byAvatar LaReyne
Human rights groups give Starmer blueprint for asylum overhaul
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Make a band meatier: Meat Loaf, but with less breadcrumbs.
Make a band meatier Beef 182
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Reposted byAvatar LaReyne
2 years ago the Daily Mail used one of my tweets in an article about airport chaos. They asked me if they could use it but before I could tell them to fuck off, they used it anyway. They'd embedded my tweet as opposed to screenshotting it so I did what was required of me.
Reposted byAvatar LaReyne
For those who argue that "it wasn't a direct strike": The rocket seen in the video was not intercepted by air defenses and was heading straight for its target, which was precisely the Ohmatdyt hospital below.
Reposted byAvatar LaReyne
We're moving to France.
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Reposted byAvatar LaReyne
I see Scottish tax payers are about to be asked to stump up to nationalise England's failed rail services and possibly water too.
Reposted byAvatar LaReyne
As Ed Miliband ends the ban on onshore wind and moves to classify it as national infrastructure (i.e. like pylons, the secretary of state approves them and a local council can't go 'we have quite enough power to be going on with) I once again find myself thinking about Rishi Sunak's 2024 campaign.
Nothing says 'technocrat' like 'actively making scepticism towards climate policy a dividing line in 2024'.
Reposted byAvatar LaReyne
Reposted byAvatar LaReyne
A rainforest wetland in Scotland is now heaving with life after beavers returned. As the wondrous "beaver effect" becomes ever more apparent across the rest of the northern hemisphere, for how long will we in Ireland cover our eyes + ears? 🙈 🙉 🌎
Experts stunned by discovery in rainforest 15 years after reintroduction of beavers: '[They] may have created the right habitat' Scientists found that reintroducing beavers to Scottish rainforests had unexpectedly positive effects on the region's endangered water voles.
Reposted byAvatar LaReyne
A "little local difficulty" for the newly-elected MP for North West Essex. Let's hope it doesn't mess with Kimi Badenoch's ambitions to lead the Tory Party. #ElectileDysfunction
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“A fire broke out backstage in a theatre. The clown came out to warn the public; they thought it was a joke and applauded. He repeated it; the acclaim was even greater. I think that's just how the world will come to an end: to general applause from wits who believe it's a joke.” ― Soren Kierkegaard,
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Reposted byAvatar LaReyne
There was lead in EVERY tampon they tested. There was less lead in organic tampons, but those had higher concentrations of arsenic. Also fun: It's 2024. This is the first ever study testing metals in tampons. Great. 🙃 Study:
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More than 400,000 people were denied a vote in the UK General Election because of the Tories’ voter suppression, mainly from ethnic minority groups. This needs to be tackled immediately.
Voter ID rule may have stopped 400,000 taking part in UK election, poll Exclusive: 3.2% of those surveyed say they were turned away at least once, with minority ethnic people worse affected