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Reader. He/him.
This is a weird way of thinking. I see it as evidence that the emotional appeal of Trump is "No fair! They won't let us be racist anymore!" rather than "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
Yesterday on FOX News, Trump bemoaned negative press he'd get “As soon as we grab a woman with two children, three children" then touted Eisenhower's mass deportation operation (that also resulted in the deportation of many American citizens) - but "nobody complained" back then he added He means it
New York Times writers:
people are really out here saying Bluesky users are living in a fantasy bubble because we are criticizing the NYT coverage of the election, meanwhile, this is what the Times is publishing today even after Harris has 100% locked up the nomination
"History suggests" that we should repeat the process that we saw in 1968 in Chicago, except faster and more chaotic.
It's wild how full of shit the opinion professionals are about all this stuff—claiming "history suggests" what to do when an incumbent president who won all the primaries drops out weeks before the convention! Nothing remotely like this has ever happened before!
Was this graph purposely made to trigger Vladimir Putin?
What if "we are a republic, not a democracy," except as the sole logical justification for every Supreme Court decision.
Adam Gurri: “the legal community was nearly united in its assumption that Trump's immunity claim had no basis in law at all, and the Supreme Court surprised them. Who knows how they will surprise us when Trump inevitably challenges the result of an election on some equally invented grounds.”
Reposted byAvatar Charbovari
The Republican line now is that the shooting was caused by Dems saying Trump is a threat to democracy, and they’re doing that because it’s a big and true thing they want Dems to stop saying.
Reposted byAvatar Charbovari
Ha ha ha, this assumes that Republicans are capable of shame.
Some of these Republicans who are (naturally enough) agreeing with Democrats tonight that violence has no place in our politics will be in an awkward spot when Trump once again insists that it does.
Reposted byAvatar Charbovari
Thread on the wave of anti-immigrant violence that will come with a Trump administration. At some point we will need to think about resistance strategies that don't involve violence. (Not because violent resistance wouldn't be justified, but because non-violent resistance would be more effective).
/8 At some point, in my opinion, violence against not just the government doing it and the private people joining the violence but the soft-target think-tank, media, and academic aparatus that empowered it becomes morally and philosophically justified.
"No one won the election" is what you say after you lose the election.
Who wants updates on France? —Macron sent a letter to all households, saying "no one won the elections" & he wants a "solid & plural" alliance —LR (conservative head) says he's opposed to a "coalition" but wants "legislative pact" —Left still hasn't proposed a Prime Minister...
Reposted byAvatar Charbovari
Historian here seen on the other site: Spain vs France and England vs Netherlands pretty much sums up mid-17th century warfare and you could flip the countries and it would still be true!
The most compelling reason to vote for Trump is purely symbolic.
"The law, in its majestic equality, forbids both rich and poor from sleeping under bridges. Except for the president, he can do whatever he wants."
Good to see that Matt Saracen found success after his (American) football life ended.
But very notable that disaffected young women have replaced generic spaceships.
Feels like elaborately illustrated science fiction book covers that have absolutely, literally nothing to do with the book have really gone out of style and I for one hope they return.
Reposted byAvatar Charbovari
Spiritual, by Charles White, 1941, 📸 by Frank Hurley
Reposted byAvatar Charbovari
I am very happy for Al Horford.
I dunno. Seems like we don't have any evidence that Trump stopped committing crimes after 2020.
"Trump crime wave of 2020 is now gone" seems like something worth repeating over and over again
For too many Israelis "Never Again" means "genocide is A-Okay as long as we're the perpetrators and not the victims."
But it’s not a genocide.
Trying to think of a German person famous for being motivated by revenge for perceived mistreatment, but I can only think of one.
My first thought was "Why is Olivier Assayas on this list?" I had to go read their blurb to remember: oh right, because of CARLOS.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (from Tablet Mag, h/t on the other site)
This is the AI plan for fighting fascism.
Saw a D-day post where they clearly used AI because the troops are heading into the Atlantic.
Predictions that the Trump verdict will or won't affect the election are unfalsifiable.