
Thereby confirming that he not only knows what Project 2025 is, he fully supports it.
The ramped-up hits on Project 2025 must be landing — Trump just shoved it right in front of the bus
And yet more evidence Stephen Miller is driving the bus. No way did Trump himself write this. He loves Project 2025 (so does Miller for that matter). And you can always tell when it's staff work. Abysmal isn't in Trump's lexicon.
The lack of Inappropriately Capitalized words is what gives it away to me.
I've wondered about that a lot. For a long time, I thought it was an Old American English affectation employed on the right: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility ... " But now I wonder if it's a nod to German. 🤔
I know nothing about it but everyone I hire is intimately involved in it and their goals are my goals and really I don’t care I just want to stay out of jail and be crowned king.
Plausible deniability doesn't work the way he thinks it works. His immunity doesn't work the way he thinks it works, either.
Exactly, he’s kissing them on the cheek with “I wish them luck” while pretending to push them away. -- Later he will tell us that there are some very fine people at project 2025.
Ha! Is it mean of me to want the republicans to eat each other alive???
No. I earnestly hope they start shooting at each other IRL.
There are lots of things I’d like to say/write… but probably shouldn’t
I swear this timeline is so fucked up.