
"I'm helping!"
Protesting Hillel and calling for its expulsion is basically calling for the expulsion of Jewish people from universities. At some unis, Hillel is the only place for Jews to get together for both religious and cultural events.
hard to think of a protest movement in recent memory that has done as much to sabotage the cause they are ostensibly in support of and repulse the public than this cohort of "pro-Palestine" protesters
Unfortunately, Syria was a good indication of how toxic some "pro-Palestine" activists/online personalities are, and how little interested they are in justice, which is a shame because the basic point -- that Israel is doing war crimes -- is true and important but sullied by the, at best, nonsense.
Exactly! I find myself in the same boat with I assume many others in being deeply critical of the Israel gov & believing strongly in the rights of Palestinians to an independent state and also would never in a million years show up to these protests bc I refuse to stand alongside that sort of stuff